First United Methodist Church of Griffin

Thursday, October 17, 2013

Sunday Preview & Thought for the Week (10.17.13)

I hope you've had a fantastic week.  I'm so stoked for Sunday as we've got a Baptism Sunday coming up.  It's always awesome to see what God is doing in people's lives, and this week will be no exception.

This Sunday, I'll also be continuing our series "In Living Color" as we talk about the emotion of anger.  The Bible actually speaks about this issue a lot.  It's something we all deal with one way or another.  I believe God has something important to speak into our lives about when we're 'seeing red.'

Thought for the Week
"When the Lord saw that he had gone over to look, God called out to him from the bush, 'Moses, Moses!'"  Exodus 3:4

The story of the Burning Bush in Exodus 3 is a famous and fascinating passage.  It's when God reveals His name "I AM" to Moses.  But, before all that happens, and interesting thing occurs.  God is up to something in the bush.  God is at work.  There are no words, just an appearance of the Almighty.  God only speaks to Moses after God sees Moses come to check out what God's doing.  We sit around and wait for God to speak to us.  We twiddle our thumbs and wonder when God is going to tell us what to do, often never getting clarity for our direction.  Moses moved where he saw God doing something.  When you get close to where God is moving, when you go check out the places God is showing up, it's amazing how much you'll begin to hear God speak to you.  If you want direction in life, start looking for the places God is moving.  Start serving in ministry.  Start volunteering with missions in the community like Family Promise and the Co-Op.  Start mentoring young people.  Start pouring your life into Kingdom work.  Start plugging into a Bible Study or LIFE Group.  Start having breakfast or lunch with a Christian friend in whose life you see God at work.  Start making worship a habit.  Start giving away your life to God's causes.  That's the process.  God moves.  We step closer.  God speaks.  We usually wait for God to speak and tell us to move or how He's about to move.  Moses learned a valuable lesson for all of us.  God's already up to some cool stuff.  We ought to go check it out.  We might just hear God's voice there, and it might just change our life.  It sure did change Moses' life.

In Christ,
