We miss our boys, but know they are being well taken care of. Thanks to all those that have helped! Well, we woke up to about 2-3 inches of snow on the ground in Jerusalem. But our plans included a trip to Bethlehem today, so we went to Bethlehem in the snow, which was pretty amazing. We visited the Shepherd's fields and the traditional site of the birth of Jesus. It's kind of interesting. Nothing here is really ever what you expected it to be, so it is all sort of awe inspiring. Basically, Jesus was born in a big cave that was used as a stable.
We also went to Mt. Zion and the tomb of David and got a look at the Upper Room. Of course, it is just the site of the Upper Room, as those houses have long since been torn down. Probably the coolest place we went today was the House of Caiaphas, the high priest. We went to the cave/dungeon where Jesus was probably held before he was handed over to the Romans (Luke 22:54-62) and the courtyards where Peter disowned Jesus. Being in that dungeon cell and singing Amazing Grace with my friends here was unbelievable. Much of what you experience here is kind of surreal.
The politics here are interesting. Both Bethlehem and Jericho are in the West Bank, which is basically Palestine. It is occupied by Israeli troops, so there is a check point you must go through and a wall much like what used to exist between East Germany & West Germany. Life is very hard for the Palestinians in Israel, which are mostly Christian or Muslim. However, the Palestinians keep electing radical officials that support terrorism toward Israel and Jews, so no one is innocent. Basically, they all want the land that is known as the West Bank or Palestine, and they've been fighting for 6,000 years over it. You learn over here that there are good people on all sides. It's basically the radicals on each side that cause all the trouble. But we still have much work to do in praying for the peace of Jerusalem.
I do miss sweet tea, but I am also jonesing for some pork products. Good Lord, please give me some sausage or bacon or ham! The pig is nowhere to be found in these kosher parts, and that is regrettable. The food pretty much all taste the same, but there are some decent things. We had some good roasted turkey last night. There are also very strange things. I've learned that we put a lot of sugar in our desserts, because here something may look very good, but after a bite you realize it needs about another cup of sugar in the recipe. Thank God for Asa Candler and the Coca-Cola Company of Atlanta, Georgia. The most I've paid for one so far was $3.60 for a 12 oz glass bottle -- and it was worth every penny.
We are so thankful to have this experience. Em is doing well walking around the city toting around that baby in her belly. I'm so glad we were able to come for 10 days and not just a week because that means we would have missed Galilee. That's an amazing place away from the busy-ness of Jerusalem. If I ever came for a sabbatical here, I'd spend about the whole time in Galilee and take in the peacefulness of that region.
We miss all our friends and family and wish you could be here. See you soon. And save me a sausage biscuit and some sweet tea!!!!
Carter & Emily,
Thank you for sharing your journey to Israel. What an amazing and unforgettable spiritual adventure...I can feel your excitement in the words that you write.
I do think sausage biscuits and sweet tea are destined to be at The Way Cafe counter on Sunday!
Blessings & prayers,
Kathy Peterson
Hey Big Boy,
I just wanted you to know that Tom and I just had a pork steak and sweet tea in your honor at the Corner Stop. Boy was it goooood. We also had two hot biscuits dripping with honey! It sounds like your trip is a blast. Just keep enjoying it and we will keep praying for you and Emily and the boys.
Hi guys!
We're praying for you and your boys everyday. It's great to hear from you. Hope you're taking lots of pictures to share with us.
Sorry about the sweet tea and desserts - just F.Y.I., I made Barry a chocolate pie for Valentine's with a whole cup of sugar and he had 2 glasses of sweet tea for lunch today! We have a package of center cut pork chops in the frig, too.!! Am I mean or what?!!
Looking forward to your return!!
Blessings and love,
Thank you for keeping us updated!! It's wonderful to hear first hand what you are experiencing and seeing....it has been a dream of mine for years to go, so this the next best thing!!...Don't forget to bring back sand!! Continuing to pray for a Spirit filled trip...and praying for the boys as well!!!.....
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