"Whoever loves money never has enough; whoever loves wealth is never satisfied with his income." Ecclesiastes 5:10
Boy, we live in a culture hungry for more. Our church credit card was the recent victim of credit card fraud. Someone tried to charge a bunch of money to a couple of websites. Luckily, Sam's Club has been very helpful in disputing the charges and we're getting a new card with a new number. I first caught wind of it when I got a phone call from one of the website's customer service center. The address the good were to be shipped to was in Cleveland, Ohio. They even gave me the apartment number. I thought about who must be sitting in that apartment. What leads us to that kind of depravity. The truth is, we've all been down that road a little bit. Oh, you and I have probably not stolen from someone, but we've all been guilty of greed. We've felt like we deserve a bigger paycheck. We've fallen in love with stuff, whether it be clothes, jewelry, cars, houses, furniture, music, collectibles, adventures, hobbies, boats, or any number of things. We've all had our vices. Maybe you still do.
I believe money is the single biggest personal issue each of us face. No matter what you make or have, you always feel like you could use a little more. It is hard to not love money, and the love of it can lead to all kinds of bad things. That's why it is SO important to understand what it means to be satisfied in Christ, to believe that we've been blessed beyond measure through the love of Jesus, and to be thankful for what we have instead of focused on what we don't. When we don't have the right attitude about this, it drives us to all kinds of destructive behaviors. We take another job to have more stuff, stealing precious time from our family. We decide to not give to the church, hurting the local ministry of the Body of Christ. We work longer hours, harming our health and family. The extreme is when we steal a credit card number to get more stuff...because we think the stuff will make us happy. It won't. It can't. Be satisfied with the riches God has given you in Jesus Christ. He has paid the debt that no amount of your overtime can pay.
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