First United Methodist Church of Griffin

Thursday, January 17, 2013


"'What is truth?' Pilate asked" John 18:38

I'm a huge college football game, and I appreciate the traditions and sanctity of the game, probably more than most guys in my generation. Yesterday, one of the most bizzare stories ever surfaced about one of the leading storylines of this past season. Manti Te'o, the star linebacker for Notre Dame, had lost a girlfriend early in the season to leukemia. It was a big story throughout Notre Dame's undefeated regular season. It inspired many votes for Te'o to receive postseason accolades. Except the girlfriend never existed. I gotta be honest with you...I was disturbed. Te'o was either duped big time or in on the hoax. I'm not sure it matters either way. In the end, the story is ugly and tragic, and and made me think about truth.

Pilate asked that question above to Jesus after Jesus said, "For this I came into the world, to testify to the truth. Everyone on the side of truth listens to me." Pilate wondered, "What is truth?" Truth means a lot of different things these days. People have different truth these days. Some say that truth depends on the individual and what is true for you may not be true for me. Some say there is no such thing as absolute truth. On Facebook, if we see someone famous' picture next to a quote, then it must be true that they said it. If someone says someone we know did something or said something, surely it's true. Truth is hard to guage these days. The internet has made truth even more evasive. We find ourselves a lot like Pilate, asking, "What is truth?" In short, truth is Jesus. Seek Jesus and you'll find truth. If you put your faith in people (even clean-cut star linebackers with good stories), you'll be let down. People lie. People dissappoint. People aren't always true. None of us are. Jesus is truth. It's a message the world so desperately needs right now. We need something solid and concrete to hang on to. It's the same thing it's always been. It's Jesus. And, I believe that when we are immersed in the truth of Jesus our personal truth-o-meter measures reality more clearly. When I'm in tune with Christ, I seem to separate the wheat from the chaff a little better. And we need that because there's plenty out there that simply isn't true. Hang on to what is.

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