First United Methodist Church of Griffin

Thursday, March 21, 2013

Stay Hungry

"Those who hunger and thirst for righteousness are blessed, for they will be filled." Matthew 5:6

I'm finding that I'm hungry lately. Not for burgers, fries, pizza or brownies. I've been hungry for more Jesus. I'm finding that the busier I get, the more necessary it is to slow down and seek Jesus' heart. I'm finding that the more my schedule fills the more I need to make time for time with Him. There is no secret to prayer. There are no special words or formulas. It is relationship at it's purest. Pouring your guts out and listening without interrupting. And there is no substitute for it. There are times when life calls for prayers on the run. It's a blessing that God is with us wherever we are; however, I want more. I hunger for more. I need to drink from the deepest well God has.

If you are too busy to pray, you are too busy. If your life is too loud to find time for a few moments of quiet, your life is too loud. If your schedule is too full to make and appointment with God, your schedule is too full. Christians too often call themselves people of faith but live very 'fleshly.' We depend on talent and strategy instead of dipping into the supernatural relationship we have with our Heavenly Father. We end up living surface lives with shallow faith. I have found that I need more than surface stuff from God. I need to the deepest stuff He's got. That takes time and patience and listening and reading. It takes a concerted effort. It takes being hungry for it. Work as hard as you can to be the best you can, but hunger for the things of God to which your best efforts and hard work can't come close. My prayer is that we would be a church full of people that are hungry for righteousness.

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