First United Methodist Church of Griffin

Thursday, May 2, 2013

A Simple but Life-Changing Prayer

"Help my lack of faith." Mark 9:24

I would encourage you to read Mark 9:14-24. My devotion today took me to that passage, which I haven't read in a while. It's a story I was familiar with, but those words of a dad whose child is stricken by a terrible infirmity jumped off the page at me. That is the simplest and maybe most important prayer: Help my lack of faith. The call of God to believers is to be people that live by faith. The Apostle Paul described it as being led by the Spirit and not by the flesh. Honestly, though, we often lack faith. Instead, we behave in ways that make sense, when faith often requires behavior that seems upside-down. Just think about it. Here's a sample of the Biblical principles that the Bible says are true that make no sense in the world.

  • The last shall be first...but Ricky Bobby says that if you ain't first you're last, right?
  • When we are empty, we are filled...but the world says to get as full as we can with as much stuff as we can.
  • When we are weak, He is strong in us...but business leadership principles tell us to never let 'em see you sweat.
  • It's better to give than receive...really? Unless it's tech gadgets. It's always better to receive those, right?
  • Through Christ's death, we find life...but I thought death was final.

This is why we lack faith. Faith is counter intuitive. It doesn't make sense. Yet, I know that God is sometimes screaming at me, "Trust me!!!" Just trust me. What would it look like for you to consider living by faith, and not the principles of this world, in your family, at work, in the community, on the interstate, with your dreams and hopes, and in your finances? The point of it all is for us to learn that God's ways are best and that He has a plan for us that's better than we imagined. Let us be people that pray that prayer every time we struggle between decisions of faith and what the world says 'makes sense.' Lord, help me with my lack of faith.

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