First United Methodist Church of Griffin

Monday, July 22, 2013

Sunday Review & Weekly e-News

What an awesome week in our community!  It was a great honor and privilege to minister to around 90 children at KidsGames.  We averaged about 83-84 kids each night.  There was lots of laughter and fun, lots of learning going on, and God's Spirit was all over the place.  Twelve children made decisions to follow Jesus, and we're so excited about what that means for their lives.

Yesterday, we kicked off a brand new series called "Just Like Me" where we're asking Christians to take a long look in the mirror and ask themselves, "What if every Christian was just like me?"  This past Sunday, we focused on prayer and what it means to pray.  We studied 2 Chronicles 7:14 and realized that "Prayer changes what we can't."  Prayer invites God's supernatural power into our lives.  I hope you'll take some time this week to be a person of prayer, for your family, our community, and church.

Here's a look at what's coming up at Church of the Way in the days ahead:

  • One Way Student Ministry is going to Lake Lanier Islands this Wednesday.  Meet @ Archer at 9 a.m.  $15 per student.  Lunch provided.  Bring extra money for snacks.  Contact James Savage at if you have questions.
  • Church-wide Bus Painting this Saturday, 9 a.m - 1 p.m.  Meet @ The Lawrenceville Methodist Campground (700 Braselton Hwy., Lawrenceville, GA 30043).  Wear clothes you don't mind getting paint on.
  • "Just Like Me" continues THIS Sunday with 'serving.'
  • Serve Team Sign-ups.  This Sunday, July 28, through Aug. 4.  Sign up to help serve on one of our Serve Teams.  It's a great way to get to know people and serve God.  You can serve in Hospitality, One Way Students, Kidz Way Children, Welcome Team, Set-Up, A/V, and Administration.
  • LIFE Group Sign-ups begin Aug. 11.  Every group will be doing a study called "Starting Point" for people at all stages of the journey.  Contact Heather Haynes at if you have questions.
Have a prayerful week!


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