I hope you're having an awesome week. I'm getting excited about what God is going in relationships this February at Church of the Way. This week, we'll be continuing "The Vows" series and I'll be teaching on the question "Forsaking all others, will you remain faithful to him/her as long as you both shall live?" This is a huge issue in marriage. Faithfulness is so important to the partnership God intended in marriage. I believe God has a plan for us that will help couple nurture the marriage bed while protecting it as well. This is a sensitive topic, but one so important to marriage. I'd encourage you to utilize our KidzWay ministry for kids up through 5th grade. However, I believe it's vitally important for students to learn about sexuality in the church. They're hearing about it everywhere else. I think the Bible has some things to teach young people as they grow in maturity. I'm looking forward to seeing you there!
Thought for the Week
"They offered unauthorized fire before the Lord, contrary to his command." Leviticus 10:1
Did you ever break curfew or go somewhere your parents had told you not to go? Did you ever break a teacher or coach's rule? Have you shown up late for work or gone against company policy? There are consequences. The passage above is the beginning of a story where Aaron's sons Nadab and Abihu suffer grave consequences for doing something contrary to what God commanded. Now, the thing with rules is that we always want to question authority, right? Why is this a rule in the first place? Why is this a policy? This is overbearing or unjust, we demand. Of course, once you become a boss or parent and start making up some rules of your own, you understand that you are not trying to thwart fun but set those under you on the best path possible. The rules are for protection and direction. They are in place because you see the bigger picture. You know the dangers out there, and you understand reality at a deeper level than those you're trying to direct. You have their best intentions in mind. If we believe God is good, that's what we must understand about his direction. There are consequences when we break His commands because we end up distancing ourselves from him, which is the last thing we need in life. It veers us off the path He has planned for us, the one that is best for us. This is not about power or control. This is about love. Some see the Bible is a big rule book. It's not. It's a love letter. It doesn't seek to control us, it seeks to woo us to our loving Creator.
In Christ,
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