First United Methodist Church of Griffin

Thursday, June 26, 2014

Sunday Preview & Thought for the Week (6.26.14)

I hope you're having a blessed week.  This Sunday, we were reaching the finale of the series we've been in since May:  "BASIC".  We've covered some of the core things that Christians do.  It's been challenging.  This week, we'll finish out the series by talking about how Christians "Share Faith."  This last one is definitely a challenge, and it's one of those subjects we're not sure how to approach.  I hope you'll be there as we talk about how God calls us reach out to others.

Also, I hope you're making plans to be a part of Worship on July 6 - Aug. 3.  We'll be focusing on where God is taking us next as a church and the next steps toward being the church He wants us to be for the community in "Go Beyond:  Vision 15."

Thought for the Week
"Always be zealous for the fear of the Lord."  Proverbs 23:17

The world is taken with the World Cup right now.  On Sunday, I showed some funny pictures of some zealous fans.  Soccer fans are known for being the most passionate in the world.  Of course, in our neck of the woods, that same passion can be seen in High School and SEC football stadiums.  In the Northeast, we see it in the Red Sox - Yankees rivalry.  We also see passion in the fans of certain bands, musicians, and movies.  People follow bands around all over the country or dress up in costume to go to weekend conventions celebrating a favorite movie or comic book.  It always bothered me growing up when I heard preachers say, "Why aren't you as passionate about Jesus as you are about cheering for your favorite football team?"  I always thought, "Well, it would just seem inappropriate if I wore full body paint to church and screamed at the top of my lungs during the 4th stanza of every hymn, not to mention hug strangers around me when there was a celebratory moment in worship."  I just don't think that's what zeal for the Lord looks like.  I think it does include a kind of deep, inner passion that burns for His will, His purposes, and His Spirit.  And that passion fuels us.  It drives us to live for Him.  There is no such thing is a faith that's passionless.  Each of us have passions about different things, but let us make sure that we are zealous for God and God's cause.  If you don't have that kind of deep, inner zeal for God, what's holding you back?  Is it a sin, habit or behavior?  Is it a relationship or circumstance?  What would it take for you to get a breakthrough to finding that passion.

In Christ,


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