First United Methodist Church of Griffin

Thursday, July 17, 2014

Sunday Preview & Thought for the Week (7.17.14)

I hope you're doing well.  Our family had a great vacation, but we're glad to be back in Gwinnett and sleeping in our own beds.  I'm really ready for the exciting couple weeks we've got coming up at Church of the Way.  KidsGames starts Monday night, and I can't wait.  This Sunday, we're continuing to dig into God's V15ION for Church of the Way in the coming season.  I'm looking forward to sharing about God's call on our church to reach those far beyond the walls.  I get excited just thinking about the work God is doing and about to do among us.  I hope you'll join me in praying for Go Beyond:  V15ION and KidsGames.

Thought for the Week"The Lord answered Moses, 'Is the Lord’s arm too short? Now you will see whether or not what I say will come true for you.'" Numbers 11:23

God said that to Moses.  The great and mighty Moses.  I mean, Moses was as good as it gets, and even his faith sometimes failed.  Even Moses couldn't see a way when there appeared to be only dead ends ahead.  Even Moses saw a God with limitations.  Even Moses doubted.  God's message to his chosen messenger is incredible:  "Moses, your God is too small."  God is saying, "Do you think I can't do what I promised?  Do you think I can't handle this?  You think I'm not big enough to conquer whatever lies ahead?"  If you're like me, you see a plan as to how things should work out.  You see steps and a process for what will bring success.  And you see a time to close up shop and count your losses.  You see when you should take another path because this one is impossible.  But God sees ways through impossible.  He sees a way forward when the path is blocked.  If you live your life by what you can accomplish or what can humanly be done, then you will have a life that levels out at your talent or skill level and a very natural existence.  I don't want that.  I want a life that doesn't make sense.  I want God to do things in me that I just don't see.  I want God to move in supernatural ways that I don't understand.  I want God to stretch out his long arm of grace and cover my family and me.  I want my God to be a Big God in my life.  Is the size of what God wants to do in your life being limited by the size of your faith?  Is your God too small?  Make Him big.  Stop telling God how big your problems are and start telling your problems how big your God is.

In Christ,


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