Hey Church!
I hope you've had a 'complaint free' week...or you're at least getting better. What an awesome word from God these past few weeks to think about what we're thinking about saying. This Sunday, we're beginning a brand new, three-week series called "Sorry Not Sorry." We're going to look at what repentance is all about. That's not exactly something we talk about in everyday life, but it's crucial to a life of faith, and when we understand it, our lives will truly be changed. Hope to see you there!
Thought for the Week
"For we conclude that a man is justified by faith apart from the works of the law." Romans 3:28
I saw a picture today of some of the decorated swimmers from the Rio Olympics getting to visit the White House and meet the President. What a thrill that must be for those accomplished Olympians! Isn't that the way our system works? Win a medal or championship and the athletes get to meet the President. Get elected student council president and get access to the principal. Make the most sales and get lunch w/ the CEO. Achievement gets us access to those higher up on the totem poll. That's kind of the American way, and it seeps into our thinking on faith. We 'think' that our good deeds, our works, and our accomplishments will get us before God. He'll be so proud. But that's not how it works. It's not about our achievements. We are able to stand before God because of faith in Christ. Faith that Christ died for us. Faith that Christ rose again. Faith that, through grace, our sin was defeated on the cross. Not by what we have done -- but by what Jesus has done. And guess what, God couldn't be any more prouder of you already. You are made in His image. Your accomplishments don't make Him love you more because He couldn't possibly. We certainly ought to strive for good works because they are pleasing to God, but don't buy the lie that you need to keep doing good to get on God's good side or get access to Him and His love. That's only done by faith.
Because of Jesus,
Inside the Brain of a Jesus Follower/Husband/Father/Pastor/Music Lover/Sports Nut/Southern Food Connoisseur...yeah, that about covers it.
Thursday, September 29, 2016
Wednesday, September 28, 2016
Fact Checker
This political season, like all of them, is filled with 'fact checking.' It's even more accessible because of the internet and so many things (like quotes from candidates) are saved on video -- forever. We check every fact a politician says.
It brings to mind a question: Do you scrutinize your own self as much as you scrutinize presidential candidates? Now, I'm all in on the idea that there is something to being 'presidential.' The leader of the free world ought to have a higher standard than us, the common women and men. But what does it say about us when we are willing to judge another of God's children with different measures than we judge ourselves.
It brings to mind a question: Do you scrutinize your own self as much as you scrutinize presidential candidates? Now, I'm all in on the idea that there is something to being 'presidential.' The leader of the free world ought to have a higher standard than us, the common women and men. But what does it say about us when we are willing to judge another of God's children with different measures than we judge ourselves.
- Do we verify our facts before speaking statistics or news? Where did we get those facts? Is the source reputable?
- Do we ever change our minds about important issues? I'm amazed at how many 10+ year old videos we've seen of Donald and Hillary. Have you changed your mind in the last 10 years about something with which you had great conviction?
- Do we judge our fashion and grooming sense when we are in public with the same eye we see candidates? (We won't talk about what we wore to Walmart).
- Do we ever say something mean-spirited?
- Do we ever stammer?
- Did we ever do something that was against the rules?
Let's face it. We've got a couple of candidates that are far from perfect. Come to think of it, we've got about 6-7 billion people on the planet that are far from perfect. Yes, yes, yes. We ought to hold leaders to extremely high standards. But...Jesus said something about the idea that we'll be judged by the same measure we judge others. That ought to terrify us because we are anything but kind when we talk about the candidate we don't like.
It's just something I've thought about. What our country needs isn't necessarily politicians that hold themselves to a higher standard. What our country needs is citizens that hold themselves to a higher standard. For those that call themselves Christians, that higher standard is Jesus. We'd all do well to judge ourselves first and foremost.
Thursday, September 22, 2016
Sunday Preview & Thought for the Week (9.22.16)
Hey Church!
I hope you've had a fantastic, positive, non-critical, no complaining week! That's the goal in our series "No Complaining." It's a been a challenge, and I know many people have accepted it. Are you thinking about what you're thinking about saying? This Sunday, we conclude the series, so get ready to get even better at being someone who lives with 'No Complaining.'
Thought for the Week
"Perhaps the Lord will act in our behalf. Nothing can hinder the Lord from saving, whether by many or by few.” 1 Samuel 14:6
There are no guarantees, and we can't see the future. That's the message Jonathan gives us in this passage. He's trying to convince a friend to go with him into a battle in which they are extremely outnumbered, and the best he can muster is, "Hey, perhaps God will be with us in this." It's a leap of faith. We. Do. Not. Like. Faith. We like sure things. We like to be absolutely certain that things will work out for us just so. We don't want to risk in our walk with God. But...BUT...for God to do anything worthwhile in your life, you're going to have to risk. You're going to have to step in faith. You're going to have to go in the direction where the best you can muster is, "Perhaps..." But you won't know until you are there in the battle like Jonathan and his mate. They won, by the way. They were outnumbered 10-1, and they won. God delivered them. Where are you outnumbered 10-1 that you know God is calling you to go? Where are the odds stacked against you but you feel the whisper of the Holy Spirit beckoning you to risk? People of faith often never see God do anything powerful in their lives because they never act in a way in which God has to actually be powerful for them. Go for it. Perhaps God will move and you'll be so glad you did.
In Christ,
Carter McInnis
Lead Pastor
I hope you've had a fantastic, positive, non-critical, no complaining week! That's the goal in our series "No Complaining." It's a been a challenge, and I know many people have accepted it. Are you thinking about what you're thinking about saying? This Sunday, we conclude the series, so get ready to get even better at being someone who lives with 'No Complaining.'
Thought for the Week
"Perhaps the Lord will act in our behalf. Nothing can hinder the Lord from saving, whether by many or by few.” 1 Samuel 14:6
There are no guarantees, and we can't see the future. That's the message Jonathan gives us in this passage. He's trying to convince a friend to go with him into a battle in which they are extremely outnumbered, and the best he can muster is, "Hey, perhaps God will be with us in this." It's a leap of faith. We. Do. Not. Like. Faith. We like sure things. We like to be absolutely certain that things will work out for us just so. We don't want to risk in our walk with God. But...BUT...for God to do anything worthwhile in your life, you're going to have to risk. You're going to have to step in faith. You're going to have to go in the direction where the best you can muster is, "Perhaps..." But you won't know until you are there in the battle like Jonathan and his mate. They won, by the way. They were outnumbered 10-1, and they won. God delivered them. Where are you outnumbered 10-1 that you know God is calling you to go? Where are the odds stacked against you but you feel the whisper of the Holy Spirit beckoning you to risk? People of faith often never see God do anything powerful in their lives because they never act in a way in which God has to actually be powerful for them. Go for it. Perhaps God will move and you'll be so glad you did.
In Christ,
Carter McInnis
Lead Pastor
Wednesday, September 21, 2016
What now?
News of two more tragic shootings have come across the wires, and we're all left wondering what now? We often guard our thoughts very closely. If we say what we think, what will our African-American friends think? What will our white friends think? What will our cop friends think? Have we even considered what our Latino and Hispanic friends think?
We are outraged, incensed and left with many questions. We are scared because we are a cop or have relatives who are cops. Will they be wrongly lumped in with cops who made mistakes and targeted? We are scared because we are black or have dear friends or relatives that are black. Will they be wrongly lumped in with blacks who made mistakes and targeted? We are scared that their are problems in our system.
Should I protest? Should I speak out? Should I buy a #blacklivesmatter T-shirt or "Blue Lives Matter" flag? Should I post #alllivesmatter? Does that make me insensitive? Should I be worried for me, my family and my friends? How did we get here?
The questions are paralyzing. Personally, as a pastor and spiritual leader, it's a challenge. I'm a very opinionated person, and I have strong feelings about numerous issues, but a lesson I've learned and am learning is to not get worked up about something about which I am unclear of the details and information. So, the angle I come at this is different, as there is one thing about all that our nation is struggling about that deeply bothers me.
I was a Broadcast News major at UGA's Grady College of Journalism. I'm proud to have attended one of the finest journalism schools in the country. I received a call to ministry while in journalism school, but remained in the program. The deeper I got into it, something began to disturb me about the news. News isn't really about news. News is about ratings, because ratings are about advertisers, and advertisers mean money. Below is an article Newsweek did about people killed by cops each year, and, as you can see, it's very complicated.
Statistics also show that more white people have been killed by police in the last year than African-Americans. Did you know that? However, based on population, a much higher percentage of African-Americans are killed by police. Did you know that? It's complex.
Let me ask you a question: how many of those killings did you read about or see on TV. Six? Eight? Maybe a dozen? There are hundreds each year. Here's the other problem. How many did you see in person? I saw zero, so every detail about anything I'm hearing is all 2nd hand, and with 2nd hand details sometimes (not all of the time) come with biases or agendas, depending on who is sharing the story. News agencies are not interested in sharing details about all of those killings because not all of them would drive ratings. I know, I know. I don't want this to be true. It's true.
I don't mean this as a slight to news agencies or executives. This is the business. It's not to get all the news out, it's to get all the news out that we believe people need to see, want to see or would be interested in. And there's only so much time in the show or space on the page or room on the website. The problem is that leaves out a great deal of the story. And, frankly, we're all a little to gullible to believe everything we read and hear is accurate.
The other problem, here, is that even if it is newsworthy, none or few of us now the details. We weren't there. Even videos don't always tell the whole story. They come from one angle with a few minutes of the action. Sometimes they are incriminating. Sometimes they only give us another view into a very complex situation. In college, I was once accused incorrectly of a crime that I was nowhere near because I looked like the suspect. Civilians are wrongly accused of carrying weapons and killed. Cops are wrongly accused of racism and ostracized. Both happen. Cops (otherwise known as humans) are also sometimes prone to sin (because humans are) and fall prey to racism or vengeance and kill innocent people. African-Americans (also known as humans) are also sometimes sin (because humans do) and provoke violence on themselves through the threat of violence toward law enforcement. White people do the same thing. And black cops do the same thing.
What I also don't know is how many dangerous people were killed by cops that saved the lives of many other innocent people, maybe even my family. What I also don't know is how I would react if I were bullied by belligerent police officers. What I also don't know is how I would feel if I were African-American? And what I also don't know is how I would feel if I were a cop?
So what now? I would encourage you to think very broadly about these issues. There is a problem because it is clear our sensitivity level goes through the roof on these topics. But we must be diligent to listen to all the voices and hear the pain of our brothers and sisters from all races and walks of life. Most importantly, fix what you can fix. The issues are so large in scope, they seem impossible to tackle. But I can teach my children to see the world the way Christs sees the world. I can teach my children to respect law enforcement and do that myself. I can teach my children to be mindful of the horrible history of racism even in our own country and teach them to love all while I practice that myself. I get to control me. And I don't have think any way about any race or any profession or any person other than the way I choose to think. God gave me that freedom. Skin tones and badges will never affect the way I see a person because I choose to see God's children as God's children. I'm all for policies, investigations when wrong-doing is suspected, and addressing hurtful and sinful corporate mindsets. Policies are sometimes needed, but this world will be changed only by people doing right, living right and standing for right in their families and circles of friends. Maybe it will take a generation. Maybe it won't if we decided that's the 'what' we should do now.
We are outraged, incensed and left with many questions. We are scared because we are a cop or have relatives who are cops. Will they be wrongly lumped in with cops who made mistakes and targeted? We are scared because we are black or have dear friends or relatives that are black. Will they be wrongly lumped in with blacks who made mistakes and targeted? We are scared that their are problems in our system.
Should I protest? Should I speak out? Should I buy a #blacklivesmatter T-shirt or "Blue Lives Matter" flag? Should I post #alllivesmatter? Does that make me insensitive? Should I be worried for me, my family and my friends? How did we get here?
The questions are paralyzing. Personally, as a pastor and spiritual leader, it's a challenge. I'm a very opinionated person, and I have strong feelings about numerous issues, but a lesson I've learned and am learning is to not get worked up about something about which I am unclear of the details and information. So, the angle I come at this is different, as there is one thing about all that our nation is struggling about that deeply bothers me.
I was a Broadcast News major at UGA's Grady College of Journalism. I'm proud to have attended one of the finest journalism schools in the country. I received a call to ministry while in journalism school, but remained in the program. The deeper I got into it, something began to disturb me about the news. News isn't really about news. News is about ratings, because ratings are about advertisers, and advertisers mean money. Below is an article Newsweek did about people killed by cops each year, and, as you can see, it's very complicated.
Statistics also show that more white people have been killed by police in the last year than African-Americans. Did you know that? However, based on population, a much higher percentage of African-Americans are killed by police. Did you know that? It's complex.
Let me ask you a question: how many of those killings did you read about or see on TV. Six? Eight? Maybe a dozen? There are hundreds each year. Here's the other problem. How many did you see in person? I saw zero, so every detail about anything I'm hearing is all 2nd hand, and with 2nd hand details sometimes (not all of the time) come with biases or agendas, depending on who is sharing the story. News agencies are not interested in sharing details about all of those killings because not all of them would drive ratings. I know, I know. I don't want this to be true. It's true.
I don't mean this as a slight to news agencies or executives. This is the business. It's not to get all the news out, it's to get all the news out that we believe people need to see, want to see or would be interested in. And there's only so much time in the show or space on the page or room on the website. The problem is that leaves out a great deal of the story. And, frankly, we're all a little to gullible to believe everything we read and hear is accurate.
The other problem, here, is that even if it is newsworthy, none or few of us now the details. We weren't there. Even videos don't always tell the whole story. They come from one angle with a few minutes of the action. Sometimes they are incriminating. Sometimes they only give us another view into a very complex situation. In college, I was once accused incorrectly of a crime that I was nowhere near because I looked like the suspect. Civilians are wrongly accused of carrying weapons and killed. Cops are wrongly accused of racism and ostracized. Both happen. Cops (otherwise known as humans) are also sometimes prone to sin (because humans are) and fall prey to racism or vengeance and kill innocent people. African-Americans (also known as humans) are also sometimes sin (because humans do) and provoke violence on themselves through the threat of violence toward law enforcement. White people do the same thing. And black cops do the same thing.
What I also don't know is how many dangerous people were killed by cops that saved the lives of many other innocent people, maybe even my family. What I also don't know is how I would react if I were bullied by belligerent police officers. What I also don't know is how I would feel if I were African-American? And what I also don't know is how I would feel if I were a cop?
So what now? I would encourage you to think very broadly about these issues. There is a problem because it is clear our sensitivity level goes through the roof on these topics. But we must be diligent to listen to all the voices and hear the pain of our brothers and sisters from all races and walks of life. Most importantly, fix what you can fix. The issues are so large in scope, they seem impossible to tackle. But I can teach my children to see the world the way Christs sees the world. I can teach my children to respect law enforcement and do that myself. I can teach my children to be mindful of the horrible history of racism even in our own country and teach them to love all while I practice that myself. I get to control me. And I don't have think any way about any race or any profession or any person other than the way I choose to think. God gave me that freedom. Skin tones and badges will never affect the way I see a person because I choose to see God's children as God's children. I'm all for policies, investigations when wrong-doing is suspected, and addressing hurtful and sinful corporate mindsets. Policies are sometimes needed, but this world will be changed only by people doing right, living right and standing for right in their families and circles of friends. Maybe it will take a generation. Maybe it won't if we decided that's the 'what' we should do now.
Child of God,
Martin Luther King,
Friday, September 16, 2016
Sunday Preview & Thought for the Week (9.16.16)
Hey Church!
I hope you've had a 'complaint free' week! We're challenging ourselves this week to not complain with our "No Complaining" bracelets that are part of our message series. This week, we'll take it even a step further. I believe what comes out of our mouths matters. It reflects our heart, impacts our heart, and influences others. Be there this Sunday as we continue "No Complaining."
Also, don't forget:
"I will give them and those around my hill a blessing by sending the rain in its season. They will be rains of blessing. The trees in the field will bear fruit, and the earth will yield its harvest." Ezekiel 5:26-27
It seemed to happen so fast. It's still pretty warm during the day. Many days it still feels like summer, but summer is drawing to a close. Even though it only feels like Autumn early in the morning and late at night, it's happening even when we don't notice it. And what was really taking months seemed to happen so fast. I've noticed a leaves starting to fall. I drove into the neighborhood and everyone's grass wasn't as green. Something is changing behind the scenes and we don't even notice it. There is a mystical element to the change in seasons. From the leaf that falls while the days still hit 90 degrees to the flower the sprouts through the snow, there is evidence that there is much happening that we don't see. In our lives, we often miss the mystical changes taking place behind the scenes as God prepares us for a new season. Perhaps a season of rain is coming, a season of growth, a season of letting go, pruning or lying dormant or a season of harvest. The truth is we move so fast through life that we often miss the signs. And we weren't ready to deal with the growth, the harvest or the leaves in our yard. Things are never the same in our lives. Things are always changing because God is always doing something and preparing us for something new, a new season. The change of seasons in creation is necessary for new growth. The same is true for us. I don't know what that new 'thing' is for you, but I know that we can miss it if we don't look out closely for the signs. But you have to be still to see it. You have to observe. You have to take some time with God and notice what is slowly changing and ask Him what He wants to do in the next season.
In Christ,
I hope you've had a 'complaint free' week! We're challenging ourselves this week to not complain with our "No Complaining" bracelets that are part of our message series. This week, we'll take it even a step further. I believe what comes out of our mouths matters. It reflects our heart, impacts our heart, and influences others. Be there this Sunday as we continue "No Complaining."
Also, don't forget:
- We're sponsoring the Winder-Barrow vs. Loganville game tonight. Help us give away candy and meet the community! E-mail me if you're interested and haven't signed up.
- Family Promise begins on Sunday. We still have a few overnight slots, some weekend help and a few other openings to serve. Contact Jim Ramsdail at jramsdail@yahoo.com if you're interested.
"I will give them and those around my hill a blessing by sending the rain in its season. They will be rains of blessing. The trees in the field will bear fruit, and the earth will yield its harvest." Ezekiel 5:26-27
It seemed to happen so fast. It's still pretty warm during the day. Many days it still feels like summer, but summer is drawing to a close. Even though it only feels like Autumn early in the morning and late at night, it's happening even when we don't notice it. And what was really taking months seemed to happen so fast. I've noticed a leaves starting to fall. I drove into the neighborhood and everyone's grass wasn't as green. Something is changing behind the scenes and we don't even notice it. There is a mystical element to the change in seasons. From the leaf that falls while the days still hit 90 degrees to the flower the sprouts through the snow, there is evidence that there is much happening that we don't see. In our lives, we often miss the mystical changes taking place behind the scenes as God prepares us for a new season. Perhaps a season of rain is coming, a season of growth, a season of letting go, pruning or lying dormant or a season of harvest. The truth is we move so fast through life that we often miss the signs. And we weren't ready to deal with the growth, the harvest or the leaves in our yard. Things are never the same in our lives. Things are always changing because God is always doing something and preparing us for something new, a new season. The change of seasons in creation is necessary for new growth. The same is true for us. I don't know what that new 'thing' is for you, but I know that we can miss it if we don't look out closely for the signs. But you have to be still to see it. You have to observe. You have to take some time with God and notice what is slowly changing and ask Him what He wants to do in the next season.
In Christ,
Holy Spirit,
Sunday Preview,
Thought for the Week
Thursday, September 8, 2016
Sunday Preview & Thought for the Week (9.8.16)
Hey Church!
I hope you had a great Labor Day and a short week! I'm sooooooooo excited about kicking off our new series starting this week - "No Complaining." We're going to look at some scriptures that will help us speak life and understand why the negative isn't necessary. Bring a friend! It's going to be an awesome time.
This Sunday also marks the 15th anniversary of 9/11. We'll have a special time of prayer and remembering. I hope to see you there. Don't forget at Harmony Grove the Traditions Experience moves to 11:15 this week.
Thought for the Week
"For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the Lord, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future." Jeremiah 29:11
I was recently looking over electrical, mechanical and plumbing plans for The Commons construction project at our Harmony Grove location, and for a liberal arts major, it's about like reading another language. They are so detailed about every aspect. Have you ever looked at detailed building plans? They look very complicated. I know that the finished product will be beautiful, even if I don't understand all the plans. If an architect's plans look complicated to laymen like me, imagine what God's plans for your life look like to our mortal minds. They are a web of details, categories, and explanations that you and I don't understand. They are drawings of what does not yet exist. We can't understand them. They are beyond our comprehension. However, I wouldn't dare tell our architect that I or one of church members is going to take over the project because we just don't understand all his drawings and it looks too complicated. We trust him. We trust his knowledge to help create a beautiful finished product and we know it's a project beyond our scope and knowledge. But how many times do we take the blueprints away from THE Architect and take over our lives because the process is taking too long, we don't understand the plan or it's just too complicated? How many times do we think we know better than Him? He has plans. Plans to make you into a beautiful finished product. Be certain that you won't understand them all now. Trust the Architect and resist the urge to start drawing yourself. He's got a plan so much better than you could have imagined.
In Christ,
Carter McInnis
Lead Pastor
I hope you had a great Labor Day and a short week! I'm sooooooooo excited about kicking off our new series starting this week - "No Complaining." We're going to look at some scriptures that will help us speak life and understand why the negative isn't necessary. Bring a friend! It's going to be an awesome time.
This Sunday also marks the 15th anniversary of 9/11. We'll have a special time of prayer and remembering. I hope to see you there. Don't forget at Harmony Grove the Traditions Experience moves to 11:15 this week.
Thought for the Week
"For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the Lord, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future." Jeremiah 29:11
I was recently looking over electrical, mechanical and plumbing plans for The Commons construction project at our Harmony Grove location, and for a liberal arts major, it's about like reading another language. They are so detailed about every aspect. Have you ever looked at detailed building plans? They look very complicated. I know that the finished product will be beautiful, even if I don't understand all the plans. If an architect's plans look complicated to laymen like me, imagine what God's plans for your life look like to our mortal minds. They are a web of details, categories, and explanations that you and I don't understand. They are drawings of what does not yet exist. We can't understand them. They are beyond our comprehension. However, I wouldn't dare tell our architect that I or one of church members is going to take over the project because we just don't understand all his drawings and it looks too complicated. We trust him. We trust his knowledge to help create a beautiful finished product and we know it's a project beyond our scope and knowledge. But how many times do we take the blueprints away from THE Architect and take over our lives because the process is taking too long, we don't understand the plan or it's just too complicated? How many times do we think we know better than Him? He has plans. Plans to make you into a beautiful finished product. Be certain that you won't understand them all now. Trust the Architect and resist the urge to start drawing yourself. He's got a plan so much better than you could have imagined.
In Christ,
Carter McInnis
Lead Pastor
Sunday Preview,
Thought for the Week,
Tuesday, September 6, 2016
What is Truth?
What is truth?
That is the question Pilate asked Jesus. It's an incredibly important question. It's one we're struggling with culturally in a million ways. And this is relevant to everyone. We all have a standard of truth, even if that standard is something we made up entirely ourselves.
The first problem we seem to be having is actually deciphering if something someone has said, sung or written is erroneous. All we have to do is put the right picture with it, post it and it seems true. The internet has made this incredibly difficult. Just because your best friend from 3rd grade (who is now a grand-mother) posted it, that doesn't mean it's true. Just because it was reported by a major news outlet, that doesn't mean it's true. Just because someone who is usually trustworthy said it, that doesn't mean it's true. In this day and age, we'd do well to investigate further before we buy into whatever we read or hear.
But truth is crucial at a deeper level, and this is perhaps the most difficult. I'm reading a book right now in preparation for a sermon series I've got coming it. It's okay. I agree with the author on most points, but his approach is way different than mine. That's a good thing. I'm learning from a different angle. Most of his stuff is spot on, makes me think deeper and makes me think about the topic differently. But, on some points...he's wrong. He's wrong compared to what I believe to be the truth revealed in God's Word -- because that's my barometer for truth.
You have a truth. Whether it comes from your parents, your feelings, your heart, your friends, your culture, your church or the Scriptures or a combination of many of those and more, it plays a role in how you approach each an every situation.
Be careful what you believe. Be careful if it's really true. For truth is real. And it matters. And if you're considering banking your life on what you believe to be true that seems to go against what God has revealed in the Bible...are you sure it's really true. For me, I have found that the truth in Scripture, though often very uncomfortable personally, has never let me down and has proven to be truth I can trust as what's best for me.
Just something I was thinking about today.
That is the question Pilate asked Jesus. It's an incredibly important question. It's one we're struggling with culturally in a million ways. And this is relevant to everyone. We all have a standard of truth, even if that standard is something we made up entirely ourselves.
The first problem we seem to be having is actually deciphering if something someone has said, sung or written is erroneous. All we have to do is put the right picture with it, post it and it seems true. The internet has made this incredibly difficult. Just because your best friend from 3rd grade (who is now a grand-mother) posted it, that doesn't mean it's true. Just because it was reported by a major news outlet, that doesn't mean it's true. Just because someone who is usually trustworthy said it, that doesn't mean it's true. In this day and age, we'd do well to investigate further before we buy into whatever we read or hear.
But truth is crucial at a deeper level, and this is perhaps the most difficult. I'm reading a book right now in preparation for a sermon series I've got coming it. It's okay. I agree with the author on most points, but his approach is way different than mine. That's a good thing. I'm learning from a different angle. Most of his stuff is spot on, makes me think deeper and makes me think about the topic differently. But, on some points...he's wrong. He's wrong compared to what I believe to be the truth revealed in God's Word -- because that's my barometer for truth.
You have a truth. Whether it comes from your parents, your feelings, your heart, your friends, your culture, your church or the Scriptures or a combination of many of those and more, it plays a role in how you approach each an every situation.
Be careful what you believe. Be careful if it's really true. For truth is real. And it matters. And if you're considering banking your life on what you believe to be true that seems to go against what God has revealed in the Bible...are you sure it's really true. For me, I have found that the truth in Scripture, though often very uncomfortable personally, has never let me down and has proven to be truth I can trust as what's best for me.
Just something I was thinking about today.
Friday, September 2, 2016
Sunday Preview & Thought for the Week (9.2.16)
Hey Church!
It's finally here! This Sunday is Tailgate Sunday! A reminder that we'll have ONE Worship Experience at 11:00 a.m. at Harmony Grove.
No 9:45 or 5:30 Worship Experiences this week.
Wear your favorite team gear and plan on coming out for the fun. Bring a side and dessert to share. Awards for best outfit, best side and best dessert. God is also going to speak a powerful word to us. It's going to be a great Sunday!
Thought for the Week
“I am the true vine, and my Father is the gardener. He cuts off every branch in me that bears no fruit, while every branch that does bear fruit he prunes so that it will be even more fruitful." John 15:1-2
I want to be like a remodeled room, but I'm more like a yard. The thing I love about a remodeled room is that it's done. The paint, the new trim, maybe some new flooring. It just needs cleaning every once in a while. I want to be like that. I want God to slap a new coat of paint on me, fix me up with some cosmetic touches and just clean me up every once in a while from there. It's not that way. I'm more like the yard. Yards need constant work. There's always grass that needs cutting, shrubs that need trimming, trees that need pruning. There's constant work in the warm weather and important fertilizing and treatment in dormant seasons. It's weekly. It needs watering and edging and weeding -- forever. You're never done with it. Sometimes in a room you say, "That's the last time I'm going to paint it." You day say to a yard, "That's the last time I'm going to cut it." God will never be done with you, and if you are going to grow and flourish, it will take constant pruning, cutting, trimming, watering, and preparing for the the next season of growth. Sometimes a yard looks worse before it looks better. Sometimes you'll look worse before you look better. Sometimes some work will need to be done in your dormant season. Yes, there will be a dormant season. Sometimes you'll be pruned. You won't like it. And you'll need constant work. That's because God is more like your gardener than your painter. He's never done with you, and you'll probably keep growing in the wrong directions, so He'll have to train you and trim you. This is for a purpose. He's planning on you being the best looking yard on the block. He's got a vision that's akin to Augusta National for you, but it's going to take daily work to get there. It's going to take constant pruning and cutting and trimming so you'll finally grow right. Are you ready for that? You can trust Him. He knows what He's doing.
In Christ,
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