Hey Church!
I hope you've had a fantastic, positive, non-critical, no complaining week! That's the goal in our series "No Complaining." It's a been a challenge, and I know many people have accepted it. Are you thinking about what you're thinking about saying? This Sunday, we conclude the series, so get ready to get even better at being someone who lives with 'No Complaining.'
Thought for the Week
"Perhaps the Lord will act in our behalf. Nothing can hinder the Lord from saving, whether by many or by few.” 1 Samuel 14:6
There are no guarantees, and we can't see the future. That's the message Jonathan gives us in this passage. He's trying to convince a friend to go with him into a battle in which they are extremely outnumbered, and the best he can muster is, "Hey, perhaps God will be with us in this." It's a leap of faith. We. Do. Not. Like. Faith. We like sure things. We like to be absolutely certain that things will work out for us just so. We don't want to risk in our walk with God. But...BUT...for God to do anything worthwhile in your life, you're going to have to risk. You're going to have to step in faith. You're going to have to go in the direction where the best you can muster is, "Perhaps..." But you won't know until you are there in the battle like Jonathan and his mate. They won, by the way. They were outnumbered 10-1, and they won. God delivered them. Where are you outnumbered 10-1 that you know God is calling you to go? Where are the odds stacked against you but you feel the whisper of the Holy Spirit beckoning you to risk? People of faith often never see God do anything powerful in their lives because they never act in a way in which God has to actually be powerful for them. Go for it. Perhaps God will move and you'll be so glad you did.
In Christ,
Carter McInnis
Lead Pastor
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