Hey Church!
I hope you've had a great last week of January. We're coming to the end of our "REVOLUTION" series this week as well. We'll be talking about starting a Revolution in our Community. I hope you'll be at one of our locations to be a part of it.
Also, don't forget we're continuing with Serve Team Sign-Ups this week. This is a great way to get involved, meet others, grow in your faith, and be a part of God's ministry.
Thought for the Week
"The integrity of the upright guides them, but the unfaithful are destroyed by their duplicity." Proverbs 11:3
I read something the other day that was really striking, especially in our technology heavy culture. It essentially said that there are not two of you, an internet you and a regular life you. If you are mean on the internet...you're mean. But that is really true about all our lives. We would like to compartmentalize our lives, but something I often say is 'everything affects everything.' There is not a work you, home you, church you, internet you, by-yourself you. There is just you. That kind of duplicity will destroy you. Integrity guides you because you don't ever have to wonder which 'you' that you should be. When we have different versions of ourselves, we aren't really being authentic. Which is the real us? Integrity means we are the same person in every situation around all kinds of people. And you know what? People really want to be around people with integrity. Employers want to hire people with integrity. Children respect parents with integrity. Others respect integrity. So, is there an area of your life that is marked by duplicity rather than integrity? Don't fool yourself. That's not just the 'other you' for that area of your life -- that's you. We don't live in multiple realities. Be who you want to be and God created you to be in every arena. Have integrity.
In Christ,
Carter McInnis
Lead Pastor
Inside the Brain of a Jesus Follower/Husband/Father/Pastor/Music Lover/Sports Nut/Southern Food Connoisseur...yeah, that about covers it.
Friday, January 27, 2017
Thursday, January 19, 2017
Sunday Preview & Thought for the Week (1.19.17)
Hey Church!
Are you living the revolution this week? I hope so. The Revolution series has me thinking about my own life. This week, the series continues as we talk about what it means to have a Revolution in our church. I believe God has big things in store for us as a church if we are obedient to Him. I hope you'll come be a part of it! AND YOU'RE WEAR YOUR FALCONS GEAR TO WORSHIP!
If you're new over the last few months, stick around this Sunday for 10-4. It's 10 minutes after worship on the 4th Sunday of the month to meet pastors and find out how to take the next step to get involved.
And don't forget Serve Team sign-ups are this week. Where will you serve?
Thought for the Week
"Then he called the crowd to him along with his disciples and said: 'Whoever wants to be my disciple must deny themselves and take up their cross and follow me.'" Mark 8:34
As another inauguration approaches our country, I am always in awe of the process. It's one of the things that makes our country unique and beautiful. We call it the peaceful transition of power. Think about it. Only once in the last 70 years has a president won an election whose predecessor was from the same party -- that was George H.W. Bush in 1988. Prior to that, it was Harry Truman in 1944. That means that almost every inauguration in the last 70 years has been by a President in his second term, a President taking over after tragic circumstances (Johnson after the assassination, and Ford after Nixon's impeachment), or a President taking the reigns from the 'other' party. And it will happen, again, peacefully. I cannot say that the transition of power in my life from my control to God's control has been peaceful. It's a daily knockdown, drag out fight. Sometimes, it's nearly a war. Isn't that was following Jesus demands? It's what Jesus asks of us -- deny yourself and follow Him. Like a political opponent who has won an election, it isn't always what we want. Sometimes, our desires are strikingly different than God's. I don't want to hand God control. I want it my way. I want the power in my life. I want to make decisions for myself. Don't I know what's best for me? So I fight. Many of us fight. We just won't let go. I think discipleship looks like peacefully transitioning the power in our lives over to God. I think it looks like handing over control. In our country, this only happens every four or eight years. For us, this is almost a daily ritual. Tomorrow will have more decisions that will require 'handing over' power. Daily, we are called to inaugurate Jesus the president and ruler of our lives.
In His Grace,
Are you living the revolution this week? I hope so. The Revolution series has me thinking about my own life. This week, the series continues as we talk about what it means to have a Revolution in our church. I believe God has big things in store for us as a church if we are obedient to Him. I hope you'll come be a part of it! AND YOU'RE WEAR YOUR FALCONS GEAR TO WORSHIP!
If you're new over the last few months, stick around this Sunday for 10-4. It's 10 minutes after worship on the 4th Sunday of the month to meet pastors and find out how to take the next step to get involved.
And don't forget Serve Team sign-ups are this week. Where will you serve?
Thought for the Week
"Then he called the crowd to him along with his disciples and said: 'Whoever wants to be my disciple must deny themselves and take up their cross and follow me.'" Mark 8:34
As another inauguration approaches our country, I am always in awe of the process. It's one of the things that makes our country unique and beautiful. We call it the peaceful transition of power. Think about it. Only once in the last 70 years has a president won an election whose predecessor was from the same party -- that was George H.W. Bush in 1988. Prior to that, it was Harry Truman in 1944. That means that almost every inauguration in the last 70 years has been by a President in his second term, a President taking over after tragic circumstances (Johnson after the assassination, and Ford after Nixon's impeachment), or a President taking the reigns from the 'other' party. And it will happen, again, peacefully. I cannot say that the transition of power in my life from my control to God's control has been peaceful. It's a daily knockdown, drag out fight. Sometimes, it's nearly a war. Isn't that was following Jesus demands? It's what Jesus asks of us -- deny yourself and follow Him. Like a political opponent who has won an election, it isn't always what we want. Sometimes, our desires are strikingly different than God's. I don't want to hand God control. I want it my way. I want the power in my life. I want to make decisions for myself. Don't I know what's best for me? So I fight. Many of us fight. We just won't let go. I think discipleship looks like peacefully transitioning the power in our lives over to God. I think it looks like handing over control. In our country, this only happens every four or eight years. For us, this is almost a daily ritual. Tomorrow will have more decisions that will require 'handing over' power. Daily, we are called to inaugurate Jesus the president and ruler of our lives.
In His Grace,
Donald Trump,
Hillary Clinton,
Sunday Preview,
Thought for the Week
Thursday, January 12, 2017
Sunday Preview & Thought for the Week (1.12.17)
Hey Church!
I am being challenged by our series "Revolution." How's your heart doing? Are you letting the revolution begin? This Sunday, we're continuing the series as we talk about God starting a revolution in our families. We all want God to move in our families. Learn what God wants to do this year in yours. Join one of our locations this weekend.
*Reminder, because of the MLK holiday on Monday, we will NOT have our Monday night service at the Co-Op. See you at Harmony Grove or Lovin!
Thought for the Week
"We demolish arguments and every pretension that sets itself up against the knowledge of God, and we take captive every thought to make it obedient to Christ." 2 Corinthians 10:5
I remember having this passage taped on my mirror at one point. It's a message to Christians, and as a young Christian it stuck out to me. That idea of "taking captive" stuck out to me. Have you ever been taken captive? We are taken captive against our will. To capture something, you have to catch it and control it. I don't think most of us think of our thoughts this way, but they are wild things. If we don't take our thoughts captive, they can run away with our lives. If we don't surround our thoughts with the knowledge of God, they'll be anything but obedient to Christ. The problem is that our thoughts become actions which become habits which become character traits which become who we are. We can become someone we never planned on being simply because we didn't take that original thought captive. So how do you do it? Well, what do you surround yourself with? Who are you letting influence your thoughts? What are you filling your mind with? What are you reading and listening to? If we are not careful, something we did not intend will take our thoughts captive, and it could lead to actions we never intended on doing. But it starts with a thought. Everything that gets into our head has the potential to captivate our thoughts. Put good stuff in there and surround yourself with people, media and things that will help you (and your thoughts) be obedient to Christ. If you're thoughts are surrendered to Christ, your actions will follow.
Because of Jesus,
Carter McInnis
Lead Pastor
I am being challenged by our series "Revolution." How's your heart doing? Are you letting the revolution begin? This Sunday, we're continuing the series as we talk about God starting a revolution in our families. We all want God to move in our families. Learn what God wants to do this year in yours. Join one of our locations this weekend.
*Reminder, because of the MLK holiday on Monday, we will NOT have our Monday night service at the Co-Op. See you at Harmony Grove or Lovin!
Thought for the Week
"We demolish arguments and every pretension that sets itself up against the knowledge of God, and we take captive every thought to make it obedient to Christ." 2 Corinthians 10:5
I remember having this passage taped on my mirror at one point. It's a message to Christians, and as a young Christian it stuck out to me. That idea of "taking captive" stuck out to me. Have you ever been taken captive? We are taken captive against our will. To capture something, you have to catch it and control it. I don't think most of us think of our thoughts this way, but they are wild things. If we don't take our thoughts captive, they can run away with our lives. If we don't surround our thoughts with the knowledge of God, they'll be anything but obedient to Christ. The problem is that our thoughts become actions which become habits which become character traits which become who we are. We can become someone we never planned on being simply because we didn't take that original thought captive. So how do you do it? Well, what do you surround yourself with? Who are you letting influence your thoughts? What are you filling your mind with? What are you reading and listening to? If we are not careful, something we did not intend will take our thoughts captive, and it could lead to actions we never intended on doing. But it starts with a thought. Everything that gets into our head has the potential to captivate our thoughts. Put good stuff in there and surround yourself with people, media and things that will help you (and your thoughts) be obedient to Christ. If you're thoughts are surrendered to Christ, your actions will follow.
Because of Jesus,
Carter McInnis
Lead Pastor
Sunday Preview,
Thought for the Week,
Thursday, January 5, 2017
Sunday Preview & Thought for the Week (1.5.17)
Hey Church,
It's an exciting week as our Lawrenceville & Grayson Campuses relaunch at new times and a new location. I hope you'll join me in praying for what God is doing across all our church. Also, we're beginning a new series, "Revolution", that I believe we all need for the New Year. Hope to see you there!
We're watching the weather closely. As of right now, we're still planning on all our normal services as the weather is supposed to clear significantly on Saturday afternoon.
Here's a few things to know for the weeks ahead:
1. Re-Launch in Gwinnett beginning this weekend
3. Sign-Up Sundays. January 22 & 29. Sign-up for Serve Teams & Connect Groups. It’s the best way to get involved.
4. Baptism Sundays. Harmony Grove – Jan. 29. Lawrenceville – Feb. 12. Contact Amber Watts at amber@churchoftheway.net or mark your Connection Card on Sundays to get more info about the Baptism Course for all participants. For infants through adults.
Thought for the Week
"The wind blows wherever it pleases. You hear its sound, but you cannot tell where it comes from or where it is going. So it is with everyone born of the Spirit.” John 3:8
I've spent the week trying to get back in the groove after the holidays. I'll bet you've done the same thing. By nature, I think we're all kind of creatures of routine. I head to the coffee pot first thing every morning and make the same amount of coffee. We all like routine. I'm learning more and more that this need for routine is directly opposed to life in relationship with God's Spirit. The Holy Spirit doesn't do routine. The Spirit is wild and untamed. Does this make you as uncomfortable as me? That means the Spirit doesn't follow the plan, it doesn't follow the script. But it's a much better and bigger plan, and it's a script you or I would never write. But this is the life, outside of routine, outside of normal, that you and I were meant to live. This will mean every step becomes a step of faith because life in the Spirit means that we never know where it will lead next. But isn't this exciting. God has yet unknown plans for your life. And they are good plans because He is a Good God. Routines can be good. They ARE good, but don't let your faith be routine. Embrace life in the Spirit by putting ALL your trust in God. We have no idea where it my take us, but it will be awesome when we get there.
In His Spirit,
It's an exciting week as our Lawrenceville & Grayson Campuses relaunch at new times and a new location. I hope you'll join me in praying for what God is doing across all our church. Also, we're beginning a new series, "Revolution", that I believe we all need for the New Year. Hope to see you there!
We're watching the weather closely. As of right now, we're still planning on all our normal services as the weather is supposed to clear significantly on Saturday afternoon.
Here's a few things to know for the weeks ahead:
1. Re-Launch in Gwinnett beginning this weekend
- Sundays - Church of the Way @ Lawrenceville. 9:30 & 11:00 a.m. (meeting at Lovin Elementary School, 1705 New Hope Rd., Lawrenceville, GA 30045)
- Mondays – Church of the Way @ Grayson. 7:00 p.m. (meeting at the SE Gwinnett Co-Op, 55 Grayson Industrial Pkwy., Grayson, GA 30017).
3. Sign-Up Sundays. January 22 & 29. Sign-up for Serve Teams & Connect Groups. It’s the best way to get involved.
4. Baptism Sundays. Harmony Grove – Jan. 29. Lawrenceville – Feb. 12. Contact Amber Watts at amber@churchoftheway.net or mark your Connection Card on Sundays to get more info about the Baptism Course for all participants. For infants through adults.
Thought for the Week
"The wind blows wherever it pleases. You hear its sound, but you cannot tell where it comes from or where it is going. So it is with everyone born of the Spirit.” John 3:8
I've spent the week trying to get back in the groove after the holidays. I'll bet you've done the same thing. By nature, I think we're all kind of creatures of routine. I head to the coffee pot first thing every morning and make the same amount of coffee. We all like routine. I'm learning more and more that this need for routine is directly opposed to life in relationship with God's Spirit. The Holy Spirit doesn't do routine. The Spirit is wild and untamed. Does this make you as uncomfortable as me? That means the Spirit doesn't follow the plan, it doesn't follow the script. But it's a much better and bigger plan, and it's a script you or I would never write. But this is the life, outside of routine, outside of normal, that you and I were meant to live. This will mean every step becomes a step of faith because life in the Spirit means that we never know where it will lead next. But isn't this exciting. God has yet unknown plans for your life. And they are good plans because He is a Good God. Routines can be good. They ARE good, but don't let your faith be routine. Embrace life in the Spirit by putting ALL your trust in God. We have no idea where it my take us, but it will be awesome when we get there.
In His Spirit,
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