First United Methodist Church of Griffin

Thursday, January 12, 2017

Sunday Preview & Thought for the Week (1.12.17)

Hey Church!

I am being challenged by our series "Revolution."  How's your heart doing?  Are you letting the revolution begin?  This Sunday, we're continuing the series as we talk about God starting a revolution in our families.  We all want God to move in our families.  Learn what God wants to do this year in yours.  Join one of our locations this weekend.

*Reminder, because of the MLK holiday on Monday, we will NOT have our Monday night service at the Co-Op.  See you at Harmony Grove or Lovin!

Thought for the Week
"We demolish arguments and every pretension that sets itself up against the knowledge of God, and we take captive every thought to make it obedient to Christ."  2 Corinthians 10:5

I remember having this passage taped on my mirror at one point.  It's a message to Christians, and as a young Christian it stuck out to me.  That idea of "taking captive" stuck out to me.  Have you ever been taken captive?  We are taken captive against our will.  To capture something, you have to catch it and control it.  I don't think most of us think of our thoughts this way, but they are wild things.  If we don't take our thoughts captive, they can run away with our lives.  If we don't surround our thoughts with the knowledge of God, they'll be anything but obedient to Christ.  The problem is that our thoughts become actions which become habits which become character traits which become who we are.  We can become someone we never planned on being simply because we didn't take that original thought captive.  So how do you do it?  Well, what do you surround yourself with?  Who are you letting influence your thoughts?  What are you filling your mind with?  What are you reading and listening to?  If we are not careful, something we did not intend will take our thoughts captive, and it could lead to actions we never intended on doing.  But it starts with a thought.  Everything that gets into our head has the potential to captivate our thoughts.  Put good stuff in there and surround yourself with people, media and things that will help you (and your thoughts) be obedient to Christ.  If you're thoughts are surrendered to Christ, your actions will follow.

Because of Jesus,

Carter McInnis
Lead Pastor

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