Do you know that feeling when you've got to go before a superior and you know you've done something wrong? I see that look on my boys' faces a lot. I remember that feeling myself. I remember during a particularly rousing game of "Hide and Seek" that I kicked a hole in a storage room door that my brother was hiding in, but he had locked the door. I was upset, so I kicked the door. Big mistake. I had to face my Daddy, and that was not a good feeling. It's a terrible feeling, whether you are facing your boss after screwing up a deal for the company, facing your coach after committing a foul, error, or penalty, or facing your parents after you've kicked a hole in the door.
It's worse with God. It's an awful feeling to face God when we know that we have sinned against him, when we are not worthy, when we are so filthy compared to Him. In fact, it's impossible. In fact, the Bible says that because of our sin, we are unable to face God. He is TOO great. In the Old Testament, no one wanted to see the face of God because we couldn't handle it. We are too dirty -- He is too pure. To be in His presence would knock us dead. His majesty would overwhelm us, literally. Humanity is not worthy to be in the presence of God.
Enter Jesus. You see, if we don't understand this, then Jesus won't be that big of a deal. However, when you wrap your head around the understanding that we are totally unworthy to stand in God's presence because of our sin, then you begin to understand the magnitude of Christ's death. The High Priest used to enter the Holy of Holies once a year to offer a blood sacrifice for the sins of the people. Blood had to be involved, but the blood of animals didn't stick. It didn't last. The blood of Christ covered us once and for all. And now, not only could the High Priest enter into the presence of God -- we all could.
Hebrews 10:19 says it this way: "We have confidence to enter the Most Holy Place by the blood of Jesus." Now, God is personal. Now, God calls us friend. Now, we can stand in the presence of God. Now, we do not have to be fearful, ashamed, or feel unworthy to come face to face with the Almighty. Jesus has fixed it. As we get ready for Christmas, that's the story we can't forget. The baby in the manger makes a cute scene on display on our mantle, but the message of Christmas ends at the cross. The blood makes all the difference. Go to God with confidence. You don't have to be ashamed of who you are or what you've done. Embrace the forgiveness -- and start over anew.
Thank you for this message. Your brother shared his with our/his Sunday school class just his morning. It was poignant for me.
Thanks so much! I appreciate it. God Bless!
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