"And let us run with perseverance the race marked out for us." Hebrews 12:1
I can take a hint, God. This week my LIFE Group lesson was on Hebrews 11. If you've never read it, you should check it out. It's what they call the 'Hall of Faith.' It's a list of the great men and women of God who persevered in faith, trusting God even when they didn't know the outcome. Sometimes, it was after their death that the big picture finally came into clarity. This morning, I opened up my devotional reading, and it was Hebrews 11...again. And it was followed up by Hebrews 12:1-2. Again I read about the faith of these great people. Soaking that in, Hebrews 12:1 hit me. It's the only answer. Run the race (of life) with all we've got.
It has occurred to me that very little of my life is actually under my control. And, I've discovered that this bothers me, because I, like most of us, am a little bit of a control freak. I cannot control my children (though I desperately try). I cannot control whether they grow to make wise decisions or choose trusted friends. I cannot control if they pursue noble careers. I'm a pastor, which is primarily about being in the people business, and I cannot control people. I cannot control whether or not people actually show up on Sundays. I cannot control whether people serve or give. I cannot control whether people grow in their faith. I cannot control whether my wife's clothes are still in the closet when I wake up in the morning (they still are after almost 12 years! But that's her choice). I'm also a United Methodist pastor, which means I don't even control where I'll be appointed each year. I cannot control what breaks when in my house or on my car. In fact, the things I care about most, I can't control. The only thing I can control, it has become evident to me, is to be a person of faith -- to run the race with perseverance. Friend, that's all you control, too. That's what it means to have faith. Others have gone before you and done it. You can to. Run the race the best you can for Christ. It's the one thing you DO control.
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