"When the day of Pentecost came, they were all together in one place." Acts 2:1
My devotional reading this morning took me to Acts 2. It's always been one of my favorite chapters. As a Church Planter, I'm fascinated by the stories in Acts, when the Church really took off. Acts 2 has Peter's first sermon, the arrival of the Holy Spirit, and a prescription for what Christian communities are supposed to look like. But, as I was reading a little more about the story, something stuck out. Pentecost came 50 days after the resurrection of Jesus. The Bible tells us that He walked around for 40 days before ascending into heaven. That means they waited about a week and a half for something big to happen. I'll bet that was a long 10 days.
Now, chances are, you've been waiting longer than 10 days for God to move in a situation in your life. However, what stuck out to me was that the believers were together, they were persevering, they were believing -- together. They kept the faith...and God moved. Waiting is part of faith. If God moved on our timeline, it wouldn't require much faith. Faith requires patience, diligence, and perseverance. The question is not, "Will God move?" The question is "Will we be in the right position when He does move?" Will we be ready? Will He find us gathered up in prayer, patiently and fervently waiting? Or, will we have wondered off to do our own thing? Will we have given up hope and miss out on what He wanted to do? I know you're waiting for something. Keep at it. Keep praying. Dig deep for patience. Trust Him and His timing. He wants to do something good in you and through you.
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