First United Methodist Church of Griffin

Tuesday, August 20, 2013

Sunday Review & Weekly e-News (8.20.13)

Entire Church Group at Church of The Way
Message from: Carter McInnis
Hello Church of the Way!

I hope you've gotten your week off to a great start.  I know many of you are back in the groove with school and off and running for the Fall.  We had an awesome day of worship on Sunday.  Great music and a great spirit.  Four young people were baptized at our Morning Worship Experience, so it as a great day of celebration.  We studied one of Jesus' more famous parables, the story of the lost son.  Traditionally, this has been called the "Prodigal Son" in Luke 15.  Jesus tells this story to challenge our thinking about what God thinks.  Simply, we think we know how God thinks about us and our mistakes.  We think the Father sees our mistakes and is planning payback, when He simply sees the cross and is planning a party.  Jesus' death on the cross means that even our biggest mistakes are forgiven.  No matter how far gone we are or how long we've been away, we're all welcome home.  I hope you never forget that.
Here's a look at what's coming up in the next few weeks: 
  • One Way Student Ministry continues on the new night this Wednesday, Aug. 21, at Archer on from 6:30-8:30.  Lots of good food and fun there.  Contact James Savage at if you have questions.
  • Serve Team Sign-ups.  You can still sign up to help serve on one of our Serve Teams.  It's a great way to get to know people and serve God.  You can serve in Hospitality, One Way Students, Kidz Way Children, Welcome Team, Set-Up, A/V, and Administration.  Check it out at  Email Amber Watts at if you want to sign-up for a group.
  • Coming Home.  The new series continues this week.  This week is a great time to invite people who have had a problem with church and Christianity.
  • LIFE Group Sign-ups continue this Sunday.  Every group will be doing a study called "Starting Point" for people at all stages of the journey.  Get connected with a group that fits your schedule or location.  Contact Heather Haynes at if you have questions.
  • Candy Bars for Archer teachers.  Bring some candy bars on Aug. 25 and Sept. 1 for us to give away to Archer teachers.  We’ll be sticking them in their mailbox the week of Sept. 2.  Contact Amber Watts at if you'd like to help deliver them.
  • Catalyst Conference.  Interested in going to Catalyst at the Gwinnett Center?  Visit and contact me if you're interested in going.  Tickets are $209 for the 2-day event and it will change your life.  Join our staff for this life-changing Christian Leadership Event.  

In Christ,

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