First United Methodist Church of Griffin

Tuesday, August 13, 2013

Sunday Review & Weekly e-News

I hope you've had a great Monday and got your week kicked off with some great habits!  That's what we talked about yesterday:  habits.  We all know People Form Habits.  However, often Habits Form People.  The Apostle Paul said in Hebrews 10:24-25 that the habit of worship pokes, prods and encourages us to be who we were created to be -- people full of love and good works.  It's one of those verses that makes you think, "It can't be that simple."  It often is.  We make it complicated, but something happens in our lives when we make God a priority.  I challenged each of us to start this new season of life by making worship a habit.  What if you made worship a priority every Sunday?  I think it would change your Mondays.
Here's a look at what's coming up in the next few weeks:
  • One Way Student Ministry kicks off on a new night this Wednesday, Aug. 14, at Archer on from 6:30-8:30.  Lots of good food and fun there.  Contact James Savage at if you have questions.
  • Community Fun Day.  Saturday, Aug. 17.  6-8 p.m. at Tribble Mill Park.  The Maple Pavilion.  Bring a picnic for your family and a dessert to share.  Come out for some games and just to hang out.
  • Serve Team Sign-ups.  You can still sign up to help serve on one of our Serve Teams.  It's a great way to get to know people and serve God.  You can serve in Hospitality, One Way Students, Kidz Way Children, Welcome Team, Set-Up, A/V, and Administration.  Check it out at  Email Amber Watts at if you want to sign-up for a group.
  • Coming Home.  The new series continues this week.  It's a great opportunity to invite friends who somehow got a little disconnected from God or church.
  • Community Fun Day.  Saturday, Aug. 17.  6-8 p.m. at Tribble Mill Park.  The Maple Pavilion.  Bring a picnic for your family and a dessert to share.  Come out for some games and just to hang out.
  • LIFE Group Sign-ups begin This Sunday.  Every group will be doing a study called "Starting Point" for people at all stages of the journey.  Get connected with a group that fits your schedule or location.  Contact Heather Haynes at if you have questions.
In Him,


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