I hope you've had a great week, and all you parents, students and teachers in Gwinnett County are getting back in the groove. I'm super excited about Sunday as we begin a parenting series called "Legacy." What does it mean to leave a legacy for those that will come behind us?
Remember, this Sunday we start our new worship times at 10:30 a.m. and 5:30 p.m. We'll also have Blue Bell Ice Cream after worship at each experience, so plan to hang around and have some ice cream! You can still send an Evite to friends right here. See you Sunday!
Thought for the Week
"Do not conform to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind." Romans 12:2
This week I began teaching a off-campus Old Testament class for Archer as part of a time-release elective credit program. This was our theme verse for the week as I challenged students to begin really opening their minds to God and God's Word. Here's what we have to understand: our minds are always being formed. Have you ever craved something that you keep seeing a commercial for? That's because the ad has shaped your mind. We can't help it. We're always growing, changing, and shifting mentally. We get to choose whether or not we allow God to continue shaping us. If we don't, we'll end up conformed the world. We'll think about life the way the world does. We'll behave as the world does. We'll conform. This passage challenges us to be transformed. Can I make it simple? Read the Bible. When we read the Bible, our minds are transformed because we get a glimpse into the heart of God. And God's ways are different than the ways of the world. They're better. If we implement them, even our very lives will be transformed.
In Christ,
Carter McInnis
Lead Pastor
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