I hope you're week has gone fantastic. This Sunday, we're continuing to turn the page in "The Journey" through "The Story of Jesus," and we'll be talking about Jesus the Healer. If you've got an area in your life that needs healing, I so hope you'll be there. I believe it's going to be a powerful time, and we're going to have a special time of prayer and healing.
Thought for the Week
"We continually ask God to fill you with the knowledge of his will through all the wisdom and understanding that the Spirit gives, so that you may live a life worthy of the Lord and please him in every way: bearing fruit in every good work, growing in the knowledge of God." Colossians 1:9-10
Spring is springing all around us, and one of the sure signs for me is the pictures of little ones playing softball and baseball all over my Facebook feed and at at local parks whenever you drive by. This is our first season in a long, long time without T-Ball. I love T-Ball because it's bananas. There's loud cheering, there's kids all over the place, coaches all over the place and it's kind of like watching a baseball game in slow motion. Of course, early in the season, there's usually a kid or two that runs to the wrong base, or they just run toward the pitcher's circle. One of the things I love about T-Ball is watching the kids get better as the season progresses. They learn to run the right way, the learn where to throw the ball, they learn when to stay on their base so they won't get tagged. They grow. Their knowledge of the game expands. That is God's intention for us, but too many times we're still running to the wrong base in life. Or, we want to get to 2nd or 3rd base before we've really mastered the basics of the faith. If we're not learning and growing in our knowledge of faithfulness, then we're not on the path God desires. We're like a kid who never gets the rules as the season progresses. God wants more for you. It's okay to make mistakes -- but what are you learning?
In Christ,
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