This week is the week every pastor dreads: Daylight Savings Time. Oh, don't get me wrong. I'm delighted about longer days. It's just that pastors are the major people that have to deal with the stress of Daylight Savings Time. Will folks oversleep and miss church? Will volunteers and staff show up on time? Will everyone be confused?
Why can't we lose and hour in the middle of the workday on Monday?
Life Hack: Eat a light breakfast and change your clocks when you get up on Saturday morning. Get your body eating on the new schedule and you'll go to bed at the right time (which is really an hour earlier) and won't feel so tired on Sunday and Monday.
Anyway, I'm more concerned about the hours I lose on my own volition. I'm more concerned about the hours I'll never get back. Just yesterday, it seems we were holding our firstborn son. He'll be 12 this summer, and he has less time at home than the time he's already spent at home. I can't lose an hour with him or any of my boys.
As they get older, it becomes increasingly apparent that frivolous pursuits that waste time aren't worth it. I need to savor every moment, because we've only got about seven years left with him, eight with my second born. The clock is ticking. It's ticking on the time I have to influence them, mold them, mentor them, shape them, encourage them, discipline them, teach them, do life with them and love them.
They'll go tot college and do life with friends. They'll get married and do life with their wives and kids. But we have to teach them how to do life. For me, it's very important that I teach them what it means to love Jesus. Time is the most precious commodity of a parent, and the hours of carpooling and sitting through ballgames, practices and recitals can be exhausting. But don't lose those hours. Make them count. You only get so many. And you never get them back.
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