I hope you've enjoyed this beautiful whether this week. Thank you so much to all of you that gave to Save Our Seniors. We gave a truckload of supplies to help senior adults in our community. You are making a difference!
This week, we finish up the series "The Early Church" as part of our Journey through the Bible. We'll be talking about the conversion of the Apostle Paul. If you've ever wondered if God could use you (or would even want to), I believe this passage will speak to you in powerful way. Can't wait to see you on Sunday!
Thought for the Week
"On each side of the river stood the tree of life, bearing twelve crops of fruit, yielding its fruit every month. And the leaves of the tree are for the healing of the nations. No longer will there be any curse. " Revelation 22:2-3
The curse of sin is that we don't live forever. Adam and Eve were no longer allowed to eat from the tree of life. Death entered the picture for humanity. We are broken. We are at war with each other. But, in the Kingdom of God, in eternity, the Tree of Life is open to God's children again. And we are no longer at war with one another. Our hurt and hearts are healed. The curse is gone. In one sense, we could simply hopefully wait for that unclouded day, but I also believe that part of God's call on those who call on Him as Lord is to bring His Kingdom. For in Jesus, we have abundant life. Christ has broken the curse of death, and we can bring healing to the nations. We can bring healing to our schools and communities. Healing online. Healing in families. Healing where there is brokenness, hurt and deep wounds. When we pray, "Thy Kingdom come," that's what we mean. We are praying that we could help bring the Kingdom to earth. One way to do that is to be instruments of healing where ever we go.
In Christ,
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