First United Methodist Church of Griffin

Wednesday, April 20, 2016

Things you don't want to hear God repeatedly say

Be strong and courageous.  It sounds so encouraging, right?  It's uplifting.  We put it on little plaques and put it in our office.  I starting reading Joshua 1 again this morning, where that line famously comes from.  It's the call of God on Joshua to take the reins from Moses after his death.  And God says, "Be strong and courageous."

Three times.




Then, the people accept his new leadership and they say the same thing.  "We'll follow you Joshua, and be strong and courageous."

That's four times.


You know what that means?  Joshua was going to need to be strong and courageous.  That may seem silly. But really, when God tells you to be strong and courageous, that means He sees some days coming during which you'll need strength and courage.  Wouldn't you rather God lead you on a relaxing path to Easy Street?  It usually doesn't work that way.  We'll have days of difficulty and great challenge.

You'll have those days.  It won't always be a cakewalk.  You'll need strength, and you'll need courage to accomplish what God has planned for you.  And, like Joshua, God will promise to be with you, but that doesn't mean you won't need to be strong and courageous.

Don't think when life hands you opportunities to be strong and courageous that God has left the building.  This is what God has prepared you for.  You might be facing one of those days today or one might be around the corner, but you can do it.  Don't shrink from it.  Just because it's not easy doesn't mean you have to turn tail and run.  Be strong.  Fight through it.  Be courageous and bold.  God is with you.  He never promised this would be easy.  He just promised He'd be with you.  So, be strong and courageous.

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