First United Methodist Church of Griffin

Thursday, April 7, 2016

Sunday Preview & Thought for the Week (4.7.16)

I hope you're having a fantastic week.  I'm excited about the next three weeks as we begin a new series in "The Journey" this week called "The Early Church."  We'll be talking about the beginning days of the Church and what we can learn from it.  This week, we'll be focusing on the birth of the Church.

Also, don't forget to bring supplies for 'Save Our Seniors':
• Paper Towels  • Mouthwash  • Laundry & Dish Detergents  • Lotion • Size Med. & Large Assurance Diapers  • Long Pads for Women • Body Wash  • Shampoo

Thought for the Week
" The person without the Spirit does not accept the things that come from the Spirit of God but considers them foolishness, and cannot understand them because they are discerned only through the Spirit."  1 Corinthians 2:14

For years, I have had a quote that hung in my room or office from William Franklin, the son of Benjamin Franklin.  He was actually a Loyalist during the Revolution and never sided with his father.  But I loved the quote:  "Controversy, however, is really disagreeable to me; and tho' I never seek it, yet I never avoid it where it is necessary to my Character, let the Consequences be what they may."  We live in a time when would like to believe that everyone will like everything we do.  We crave likes (now loves) and re-tweets.  We want people to agree with us.  Those that have courageous faith must understand that the world will not always understand what God is calling us to do, and it's not always as straightforward as we think.  God's will and calling on our lives will not align with worldly ideologies or political platforms.  God doesn't fit neatly into those boxes.  Even good people won't always understand the 'God thing' we're doing.  I believe we live in a world in desperate need of Christians living out in courageous faith.  What would that mean for you?  Helping someone in need?  Standing up for the hurting and those on the fringes?  Loving someone that is nearly unlovable?  Living by your values?  Speaking truth in love?  If you do this, don't be surprised if others don't understand...but do it anyway.

In Christ,

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