First United Methodist Church of Griffin

Thursday, May 15, 2014

Sunday Preview & Thought for the Week (5.15.14)

I hope you've had a great week.  We're rolling toward summer, and I'm excited about some of the things we've got happening this summer.  Get plugged into a Summer Serve Team or one of our Summer LIFE Groups.

This Sunday, we'll continue the series "BASIC" as we talk about "Reading the Bible."  It's kind of one of those things we know we're supposed to do, but many of us don't know where to start, or we feel like we've hit a little bit of a dead end with Scripture.  Why is it important?  What does it mean for our spiritual lives?  Come Sunday to find out.

Thought for the Week
"The islanders showed us unusual kindness."  Acts 28:2

Sometimes I struggle to just be kind, much less 'unusually kind.'  We often pick the lowest common denominator of being nice or kind.  We even say, "That's the least I can do."  And that's just what we do -- the least.  Do we ever ask ourselves:  "What's the most I can do?"  What would it mean for you to not just show the usual kindness but unusual kindness?  How would that change how you treat your neighbor, your children, your parents, your coworkers or boss, and your spouse?  What would it mean to go the extra mile.  This past Sunday, we talked about serving, but mostly within the context of serving Christ's Church, which is hugely important.  Yet serving goes beyond the walls of the Church.  We are also called to serve the world, and a little kindness won't do.  The world needs to see radical hospitality.  I have no idea what that means for you, but my guess is you do.  You're thinking of a neighbor or coworker to whom you can show unusual kindness.  Let me be clear:  we do this because of what Christ has done for us.  Jesus didn't do the least he could do for us.  Jesus did more than required.  Jesus went all the way.  God shows us unusual kindness every day.  Be unusually kind today.

In Christ,
