First United Methodist Church of Griffin

Wednesday, August 31, 2011


Sorry for the light posting this week...been crazy.

This week I had a mandatory pastor's meeting to go to. Occasionally, I'll have these as part of our denominational connection. But I don't mind them (not that I want to be going to one every week). But, I understand authority. When my denominational leader says that a meeting is mandatory, I'm there. When I'm told to do something by someone in leadership in me, I do it. It's really not that complicated. Man, a lot folks struggle with that concept in our culture.

I preached about this a couple weeks ago in regards to teenagers. Understanding authority is so crucial in our faith. If one can't understand authority, he or she will struggle with God in their lives because the whole point of this walk with Christ is to give Him authority in our lives. Authority over our decisions, family, money, career -- everything. Do you struggle with giving authority to your boss? Are you giving it to Jesus? Authority is hard to give up. We all want to be in control. We all want to be king of our own castle. But giving Christ authority means that we're not in control anymore.

I find that giving Christ authority in my life has taught me what authority on earth is, too. It's okay that someone else has authority over you. Everyone has that. No one is autonomous, we just pretend to be. I hope you experience the freedom found in giving Christ what is already His, for "All authority in heaven and earth has been given to me" (Matt. 28:18). You'll find room to grow under His authority. You'll find His plan is better than your plan. You'll find His dreams are bigger than your dreams. And you'll find he can shoulder the burden of control. Let go. Give him authority.

I'll say it again...

I've said it once and I'll say it again: I'm so ready for some college football.

Thursday, August 25, 2011

"Legendary" Survey

Hey folks, we're doing a series in October called "Legendary" in which we're going to take some of the stories from the Old Testament that we've heard about or learned as a kid and really dive into them to see what God has for us. We want your help in deciding which stories to use. So, we're asking Church of the Way folks to fill out a poll for the top 5 stories their interested in hearing about. Plus, you can write in your own. If you haven't had the chance to vote on Sunday morning, let us know what you want to hear. It'll only take a few seconds. Thanks in advance for your help!

Just follow the link here:

Reasons Don't Matter for Leaders

I recently read an article at the Business Insider website about Steve Jobs, the recently resigned CEO of Apple. Jobs will continue at Apple in some capacity, but he's giving up the reigns as the big boss. The article was about Jobs' training of new VP's. He basically tells them that janitors get to have reasons for not getting their job done. Their key wouldn't work to get into an office to empty the garbage. There was no hot water. The power was out at the building. They were out of cleaning supplies. Valid reasons are acceptable for them. But, he adds:

"When you're the janitor, reasons matter," Jobs tells newly minted VPs,
according to Lashinsky. "Somewhere between the janitor and the CEO, reasons
stop mattering," says Jobs, adding, that Rubicon is "crossed when you become a

Vice Presidents don't get the luxury of having reasons for not getting the job done. Vice Presidents HAVE to get it done. There are no excuses for failure.

What Jobs is saying is a part of leadership that a lot of people don't understand. Leaders don't get to make excuses. If it doesn't work, the leader IS the reason. It's his or her job to make it work. The bottom line is that there is a different standard leaders. That's part of the burden of leadership. There is a weight to carry for the leader. It is their responsibility to make sure the engine runs. Reasons don't matter. The sad part of that, for me, is that so many in ministry settings don't take that aspect of leadership seriously. Leaders too often look for reasons. Now, this isn't to say that leaders never fail. On the contrary, leaders fail a lot. But real leaders have to claim that failure. "We didn't fail for this reason or that reason. It was my failure. I will learn from it." If leaders, especially leaders in the church, would take this kind of responsibility and accountability seriously, we could move mountains for God. Dear Lord, let it be.

Oh...and thank a leader today!

Wednesday, August 24, 2011

A Change'll Do You Good

I find that I am sometimes a strange mix. In some ways, I'm an extreme traditionalist. In others, I embrace change for the sake of change. For the most part, in college football, I'm a traditionalist. I do not want my team to play on Thursday nights because Thursday nights are for JV teams, not teams from the National Collegiate Athletic Association. However, I am very pleased to sit in front of my TV to watch some OTHER team play on Thursdays. I am a UGA fan, and many of our fans are up in arms over our new Pro Combat uniforms for our opener against Boise State. When it comes to uniforms, I'm usually a stickler for tradition. But, I don't know, something in me is changing. The uniforms for one game aren't a big deal to me. And, while many others are up in arms about the possibility of new conference alignments like Texas A & M coming to the SEC, I say, "Change is good!"

The bottom line is that change is virtually unavoidable. Dead people don't change. They usually stay dead. Living organisms have to change. It's part of thriving in our environment. Our bodies are constantly reproducing themselves. We are changing. Isaiah 43:18-19 says,

"Forget the former things; do not dwell on the past. See, I am doing a new thing! Now it springs up; do you not perceive it?
I am making a way in the desert and streams in the wasteland."

God wants to do something new in us, to us and for us, but we have to embrace change. I'm not sure why we're afraid of change. It's probably the unknown. But the unknown could be better than the known. The unknown could be the answer you've been looking for. And, if the unknown comes from God, you can be sure it's good, for He is working for our good. Don't be afraid of change. Embrace it. Enjoy it. Seek it out. He wants to do a new you.

Tuesday, August 23, 2011

Red Velvet Cake

So, this is the Red Velvet Cake I made for my beautiful wife's birthday. From scratch, baby. And, it is pretty delicious (patting self on back). It did turn out pretty good considering it's the first time I've ever made one. Made the icing and all. I don't really understand what people mean when they say they can't cook. I always want to say, "Can you read?" Now, some recipes are easier than others. This was a bit of a challenge, but you just have to do what it says, usually.

Now, I did get a great lesson from this wonderful cake. I stopped on the way home last night to pick up some Cake Flour, which I've found is impossible to find. No one really sells cake flour. But I found a substitute on the inter-tubes and went with it. But that was not the end of it. So, I get home from the grocery store and start on my cake. I get everything out and look at our sugar. It calls for 2 cups. We did not have 2 cups. I just assumed we had sugar. We usually do. We didn't this time. So, I head out to the store again, get my sugar and get started again. Get the eggs and sugar mixed up and get ready to mix the cocoa and red food coloring, two ounces of it. I saw we had some in the cabinet. Surely we had 2 ounces. I was wrong. Trip number three to the grocery store. By this time it is about 11 p.m. I finally finished the cake. I was proud of it, but it was an experience.

I did something great for my wife. She loves red velvet cake, but I wasn't very prepared to do something great. Often, we want to do something great for God, but we have not prepared. We have not done the grunt work that it takes to get prepared for God to move. We want to see God's glory, but we have not let God see our sweat. Being great, doing something great, being a part of something great takes preparation. God will send us through a season of preparation and we have to be willing to focus to get ready. We often get in the kitchen with God, so to speak, and expect a miracle when there are simply too many missing ingredients. We have not gotten ready for waht God wants to do. That makes the process longer and more difficult. God can't do what God wants to do if we have readied ourselves. Do you want to do something great? Is God calling you to something great? If so, chances are, it's time to prepare. Don't be running out to the grocery store for the 3rd time at 11 p.m.

Friday, August 19, 2011

Sitting on the Rock

A few days ago I was jogging on a trail in one of my favorite parks, Tribble Mill, just down from my house. About midway through the jog I found great rock to take a seat on and have some time with my Creator. It kind of became my praying rock. I sat there for 10-15 minutes and just had a talk with God. It was a soul-replenishing time for me.

However, I noticed that as a sat, the rock wasn't that comfortable after a while. In fact, it was downright uncomfortable. I began thinking about how we sing "On Christ the solid rock I stand" and I thought about how, in life, I want to sit on the rock of Jesus. But resting on Jesus isn't always comfortable.

Just because you're a Christian and just because you are following God's will does not mean that it will be comfortable. In reality, the opposite is true. You can almost rest assured that it's going to be uncomfortable. There are no promises that it will be easy. No promises that it will be comfy. No promises that it will be all smooth sailing. But there is a promise that the rock is steady. You can count on it. It's not going anywhere. In a world where everything changes all the time, I certainly need a Rock that won't move.

Thursday, August 18, 2011

The Forgotten

Last night, while I was doing a few things around the house and on the computer, the movie "The Forgotten" was on. Pretty good flick with Julianne Moore about aliens abducting children and trying to make people forget they ever had kids. It worked with everyone but her. She wouldn't forget. It's basically about the emotional power of humans to not forget, especially something so deeply personal. We simply don't forget.

I was reading this morning some of the story of Joseph in the Bible. Not Jesus' daddy Joseph, the Joseph in the Old Testament. He had it pretty rough. He was one of 12 brothers, sold into slavery by 10 of them, wrongfully accused of making a sexual advance on his slave master's wife, thrown into prison, and betrayed by the people he helped in prison. At every turn, when it looked like it might get better for Joseph, he went down into a deeper valley.

Long story short, he came out of the valley. The Pharaoh in Egypt made him second in command. He became powerful and rich. God had delivered him out of the deepest valley. After he was appointed to his high position, he married and had two sons, and this is what the Scripture says:

"Joseph named his firstborn Manasseh and said, 'It is because God has made
me forget all my trouble and all my father's household.' The second son he
named Ephraim and said, 'It is because God has made me fruitful in the land of
my suffering.'"
(Gen. 41:51-52)

Manasseh means "forget" and Ephraim means "twice fruitful." If you let Him, did you know that God can help you forget the pain, the suffering, and, namely, the mistakes. I come across so many people who can't forgive themselves for the mistakes they've made. God so desperately wants you to forget. He has! When we come to Jesus and seek forgiveness, God forgets. He's ready to move on. And he can make you forget all the struggles. He wants you to because he wants to 'twice bless' you, but he can do so only when we forget. Is there something eating you alive? Have you made some grave mistake (at least you think it was grave)? Did someone wrong you in the past and it's holding you back from what God wants to do in your life? God wants you to forget about it. You can't change it. He can't fix it. But He can fix the future. Won't you let Him?

Wednesday, August 17, 2011

The Greatest Gift

I went to a memorial service on Saturday for a great lady whose daughter goes to our church. She had been to our church a time or two and was a member of our Mother Church. I don't go to many of those anymore, which is a good thing. We have a very young church, and there simply aren't that many funerals with a young church. But services like this one are uplifting.

It's always sad to lose a loved one, even if they are 90 years old. But this dear lady gave her family a great gift in her passing -- a deep faith in Jesus Christ. I once had a fine mine in my first church that had lost his wife years before I served there. He shared stories about her character and faith and told me, "The greatest gift you can give to your family is a deep faith in Christ and the assurance of where you go when you die."

I've been to funerals when that is in question, and they are no fun at all. Of course, only God knows the condition inside a human heart. Nevertheless, it is a blessing to go to a funeral of someone who is known for their good heart. It is a joy to family members to know that their loved one is spending life after death the same way they spent life before death -- with Jesus. You can give your family no greater gift.

Tuesday, August 16, 2011


These Braves sure are fun to watch! And they have fun. Isn't life supposed to be fun? I think we have forgotten that in church. It's okay to have fun. Life with God should be fun. I like seeing how much fun the Braves are having this year. I hope I look like I'm having that much fun at my job, because I am.

Sunday, August 14, 2011

What a day

Awesome day at CHURCH OF THE WAY! I can't wait to see what God continues to do this Fall!

I am a blessed man to serve such great people!

Thursday, August 11, 2011

Not like you and me

"'For my thoughts are not your thoughts, neither are your ways my ways,' declares the Lord." Isaiah 55:8

I finished a book today that talked a lot about that passage. Does it make you a little uncomfortable? I think it makes me a little uncomfortable. I want to be able to wrap my brain around God. I want it all to make sense. I want it to all make sense. It doesn't. I want it to all be logical. It isn't. I want to be able to get a grasp on exactly how God is moving and working. I can't. God's not just a little smarter than us...we're not even in the same homeroom. We don't even go to the same school. His ways, his thoughts are not like ours. We tend to think, "Oh, that's how I think about this or this is how I would react, so God probably would, too, just a little more elegantly." No. He usually wouldn't do what you would do. He almost always wouldn't do what I would do :) He does things his way, and I don't always have him figured out. I want to...but I don't. Yet, I love him. I love him because He saved me. I love him because He is always proved right in my life when I trust Him, especially when it doesn't make sense. I love him because He has blessed me with so much that I don't deserve. So I try to let Him be God and me be me. I don't have to always understand Him to love Him and serve Him. You won't always get what God is doing. He didn't ask you to and He's not surprised when you don't. He just asked you to follow.

Wednesday, August 10, 2011

You do what you want

So, my oldest tonight couldn't quite recall everyone that sits at his table in 1st grade. He's been sitting with 5 other people or 6-7 hours a day for the last 3 days, but he can't think of all their names. I'm not asking for full names and social security numbers, just Sally, Joe, Tom, Mary. It's pretty simply.

Now, before he goes to bed tonight, he proceeds to tell me that the next time we go to Toys 'R' Us and he has some cash on him he's got six Beyblades he wants to buy. These are basically spinning tops that my boys love. He rattles them off, and it sounds as if he's speaking another language. But he can't remember John or Tracy.

That's because he doesn't want to. Simply, you do what you want to do. We make excuses all the time about what we can or can't do, but the truth is that usually we do what we want to do. We spend money on what we want to spend money on and we spend time on what we want to spend time on. This is especially critical in our spiritual life because we do what we want to do. There's no excuses. You go to church if you want to. You tithe if you want to. You serve if you want to. You invite others if you want to. You yield your life to Christ because you want to. And when we don't do those things, the harsh reality is that we just don't want to.

May we be people that want to follow Jesus.

Top 5 Sports Moments

A friend got me thinking about what I've witnessed in person as a sports fan. I've been blessed to see some pretty amazing sports moments live. It's really hard to decipher my 'homerism' from it all, especially since I have been to so many UGA games. But, I did my best. Here's the top five I witnessed with my own two eyes, live and in person:

5. John Isner leads the UGA Tennis Team to the 2006 National Championship. Isner is now know for his marathon match at Wimbledon, but it's the only time I've seen my beloved Dawgs win a national championship in a men's sport. I also got to see a Women's Swimming natty.

4. Kevin Butler and the Dawgs beat Clemson from 60 1/2 yards in 1984. The All-American kicker set his tee up on our side of the fifty and split the uprights to beat Clemson. It was the first time I remember hugging complete strangers at a football game.

3. Georgia beats Auburn in 4OT in the SEC's 1st overtime game in 1996. It had a thrilling comeback and breathless last second TD to tie the game. Then, the craziness started. Our defense finally held up to win 56-49.

2. Duke shocks the world and beats undefeated UNLV in the '91 Final Four. I was there in Indianapolis. I still can't believe Vegas lost that game. Laettner was cold blooded and Hurley played every second of that Final Four. Coach K finally got his National Title and a dynasty began. It was much to my dismay...I married a Tarheel, after all.

1. Team USA beats China for the Gold Medal in Women's Soccer in the '96 Olympics Games. It was very weird to be in the stadium I've been to a million times and see it look completely different. It was pretty moving, though, to see the USA win the gold and hear the national anthem played as the team received their medals. I'll never forget it.

Feel free to share yours in the comments!

Monday, August 8, 2011

First Day of School

So, we sent two to the bus stop this morning for the first day of school. It really emptied the house up, that's for sure. Two down, two to go. It was my son Tanner's first day of kindergarten. He was excited, and I was excited for him.

Last night, as I prayed with my two oldest boys before they went to bed, I prayed for them to be influencers. That's my dream for them and that's what God created them to be. I don't worry too much about them being out in the world. They go to the school down the street, and their teachers won't pray with them. There will be no prayer to start the day. And the Bible will not be taught. Christian principles will yield to the princibles of government. Some parents really worry about that. People spend a lot of time petitioning and picketing to get prayer in school or the 10 commandments posted in the school cafeteria. They simply worry that schools have become too worldly. But that's right where I want my boys to be. They are young, but we have been preparing them their whole little lives to go be sent.

Jesus said to his disciples, "I am sending you out like sheep among wolves" (Matt. 10:16). He didn't pretent that it was going to be easy or everyone was going to be nice or act Christian. I want my boys to be world changers. They don't need the school to lead a prayer because they know how to pray. They don't need the Bible to be taught there because God's Word is already firmly in their hearts. They are taking Jesus with their their their school. While peer pressure and negative influences are real dangers, I believe we have the power to instill in our children the confidence to lead with roots that lead to Jesus. School will no doubt change them. Their education will shape them in ways we don't know yet. However, I hope that when they graduate from Archer High School years from now, that Archer is different because the McInnis boys came through with the light of Christ shining through them. That's what our schools so desperately need: an army of kids commited to Christ and ready to serve and love their classmates and teachers with the heart of Jesus.

You know, come to think of it, that's what our workplaces need, too. And the grocery store. And the gym. And the PTA. And football team. And our neighborhoods. And get the picture.

Friday, August 5, 2011

Is it here yet?

Good Lord, I can't wait for football season. The more I read practice reports, see preseason specials and listen to sports talk radio, the more I'm growing completely restless. For my, it is simply the best. There is something about football that is not like any other sport. It is nigh unto magical. Football is a release for me. It's a time to step away from reality and have fun focusing on a game, that, in the end won't matter that much. It won't affect the economy. It probably won't affect eternity. But it sure is fun.

Things I'm looking forward to, in no particular order:

  • The first big hit

  • Interceptions. Man, I love interceptions.

  • The Sanford Sunshine

  • Crazy plays

  • Tailgating and hanging with friends

  • That feeling when a bomb is in the air

  • Thursday night college football games

  • Monday Night Football

  • Those Tuesday night Conference USA games

  • football is supposed to have bands, not piped-in techno music

  • Helmets

  • Special uniforms

  • A tailback going 'up-and-over' for a score

  • Throwing my boys up in the air after a touchdown

Man, I can't wait.

Thursday, August 4, 2011

Welcome Back

Someone who used to attend our church asked me the other day if they could come back. I was a little taken aback. My answer was, of course, "Of course!" That's a lot of 'of courses' there. It made my heart sad to think that someone thinks that they might not be welcomed back in the family of God.

Whether we admit it or not, a lot us feel this way. We feel like our mistakes are simply too big for the grace of God to overcome. We feel like we there's not enough room for our baggage. And we're left asking God, "Can I come back?"

God's answer is ALWAYS like mine. "Of course, beloved, you can always come back." I tell my boys all the time that there is nothing they can do that will make me stop loving them. That doesn't mean I'm not sometimes disappointed or irritated with them. But I never stop loving them. God is the same. There is nothing you can do to make Him stop loving you. He decided a long time ago that He loved you forever. You are always welcome back.

Wednesday, August 3, 2011

Getting Better

So, I'm thinking about going back and getting my doctorate. I wasn't ever really sure I'd consider something like that. I've always said that I could care less if people call me doctor. I don't care about titles. And, I really, really don't like school. That sounds bad, but you gotta think about my context. I went straight from high school to college and straight to seminary. When I graduated from seminary, I had been in school for 20 straight years. I was a little tired of it.

But I've come around. For the first time ever...I think I want to go back to school. Because I want to be better. I want to be better at my job. I want to be a better pastor and better leader. I want to vision for our church better. I simply want to get better. I believe there are programs out there that can help me do just that - get better. That's where this came from. A desire to get better.

Complacency irritates me, maybe as much as anything else. This is a new revelation to me. I mean, I just figured out it irritates me. I don't ever want to be complacent. I don't want to sit in the status quo. I want to strive, strive, strive to be the best I can be...for our church to be the best She can be. I don't believe complacency honors God. God is a God that moves forward. God believes in excellence. God wants to push you to new horizons. God wants more out of you than you can imagine. And God says you will accomplish even bigger and better things than Jesus (that's in the Book). Don't just sit idle. Stretch. Reach. Strive. Get better. God needs you to be the best you you can be. And he wants that life for you.