First United Methodist Church of Griffin

Monday, February 25, 2013


So, did you watch the Oscars last night?  I got through about half of it before my eyelids gave up the good fight.  It was interesting.  I'll be the first to admit that I don't really understand Hollywood.  I imagine that many directors and producers don't either.  It would seem the goal would be to create art that people want to see.  However, the biggest box office successes often don't win.  Often, I'm left wondering, "If that movie was so good, then how come nobody went to see it?"  The Academy seems like an arbitrary governing body who decides what quality is.  Indeed, it is very difficult to decide what a 'win' is in that field.  Is it winning an Oscar?  Is it selling movie tickets? 

However, the thing that is striking to me about the Oscars is that it is Godless.  I mean that to say that it is virtually void of faith, which reveals something about Hollywood.  Musicians and Athletes are a lot alike.  After great victories or winning a Grammy, you'll hear athletes and musicians invoke God.  Many believe this is superficial.  I don't.  Musicians have played before tens of thousands and heard an entire stadium sing their songs.  They have played a guitar riff and they're not sure how they made it sound so smooth.  It is spiritual.  Athletes make plays that are unbelievable, even to them.  They understand that they are gifted with a ball, bat, or club, and though they've spent countless hours honing their craft, they know that their talent came from somewhere they can't quite describe.  You saw the same kind of spirituality in the great artists from centuries past.  They painted and were profoundly connected to God.  They knew that the brush in their hands made sense, and they're not quite sure how or why.

This is not the case in Hollywood.  There is no mention of God at the Academy Awards.  In fact, it's almost taboo to mention Him.  It is almost as if there is a 'self made man' belief that permeates that culture.  I can tell you that I don't know the answers, but I know God wants to redeem it.  Nothing shapes culture like modern movie making.  The greatest mission field in America is in Hollywood.  We deeply need talented artist who are devoted followers of Jesus to share their gifts with the world and share their heart with Hollywood.  I'm sure there are some already there, but we need more.  We don't need more Christian movies or Christian movie companies.  We need more Christian actors, Christian directors and Christian producers who make great movies and build relationships in the film industry, displaying a kind of authentic faith that they may have not quite seen.  It is crucial if we are going to make a difference for Christ in our culture.

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