First United Methodist Church of Griffin

Monday, July 29, 2013

Sunday Review & Weekly e-News

I hope you're having a great kickoff to the week.  It was really just a great weekend of ministry at Church of the Way.  Here's some highlights:
  • Our students had a ball at Lake Lanier Islands water park along with one of the coolest videos you'll ever see.  We'll have it on the One Way page on the website soon.
  • We got all the yellow primed on the bus on Saturday, then on Sunday we got at least a coat of white on all the bus.  It won't be long and she'll be looking good!
  • In worship, we continued the series "Just Like Me" by talking about serving and studying the Matthew 9:36-38.  I encourage you to read that whole section.  We we see Jesus saying is that "More People Serving means More People Reached."  The harvest in our community is abundant.
  • We also had our Volunteer Appreciation Ceremony & Lunch.  It was a great day.  Thank you for all of you that serve and give of your time to make Church of the Way all she is.  We recognized a few for their outstanding service to Christ and His Church:
Volunteers of the Year:
Hospitality - Maria Vega
Welcome Team - Toni Granillo
One Way - Tony Watts
Kidz Way - Jim Ramsdail
Set-up - Keith Miles
Administrative - Jenna Dye
A/V - Paul Whitaker

2013 Volunteer of the Year - Barry Harden

It was a great day to honor so many that honor Jesus!  Here's a look at what's coming up at Church of the Way in the days ahead:

  • One Way Student Ministry is going to Six Flags this Wednesday.  Meet @ Archer at 9 a.m.  $25 per student.  Lunch provided.  Bring extra money for snacks.  Contact James Savage at if you have questions.
  • Ladies Night.  Come for fun, food and nail polish!  This Thursday at 6:30 p.m. at the home of Kim Navarro.  Contact or if you have questions.
  • "Just Like Me" continues THIS Sunday.
  • Serve Team Sign-ups.  This Sunday, Aug. 11, through Aug. 4.  Sign up to help serve on one of our Serve Teams.  It's a great way to get to know people and serve God.  You can serve in Hospitality, One Way Students, Kidz Way Children, Welcome Team, Set-Up, A/V, and Administration.
  • Coming Home.  A new series begins Aug. 11.  Perfect to re-center your life for a busy fall.  If you've been away for a while, "Coming Home" is a great opportunity to re-connect.
  • LIFE Group Sign-ups begin Aug. 11.  Every group will be doing a study called "Starting Point" for people at all stages of the journey.  Contact Heather Haynes at if you have questions.
In Christ,


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