First United Methodist Church of Griffin

Thursday, April 24, 2014

Sunday Preview & Thought for the Week (4.24.14)

I hope you've had a great week.  Easter was awesome at Church of the Way.  It was a great celebration, and you knocked it out of the park with donations to "Save Our Seniors."

This Sunday, we're starting a new series on called "BASIC."  We'll be talking about the basics of what it means to be a Christian.  What is it, exactly, that the Bible says Christians should do and be like?  I can't wait to share with you this Sunday at 10 a.m. and 6 p.m.

Thought for the Week
"Like a city whose walls are broken through is a person who lacks self-control."  Proverbs 25:28

I was thinking today about the things that I stress over or worry about.  They are often the things that I can't control.  Do you find that to be true?  We can't control how people will respond to us.  We can't control how others will behave.  We can't control the weather.  We can't control the marketplace.  We can't control others' decisions.  We can't control the past.  Yet, the things we can't control are often a source of our frustration.  What, then, can we control?  Ourselves.  We can control how we respond, behave, speak, think, and live.  For me, I find that when I spend too much time worrying about others' response, I get worse at self-control.  When I worry about others, I get distracted from doing the things that I do have control over.  I find myself saying to myself, "I can only control what I can control.  And what I can control is me."  So, the questions I need to be asking are a totally different set of questions:

* Am I being faithful to God?
* Is this in line with who I want to be in Christ?
* Is this behavior confirmed by Scripture?
* Is this the person I want to be and who I know God wants me to be?
* Am I at peace with this decision?

That's a much different set of questions, but it's often the only questions we can answer.

In Christ,


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