First United Methodist Church of Griffin

Thursday, June 19, 2014

Sunday Preview & Thought for the Week (6.19.14)

I hope you're beating the summer heat and ready for another awesome Sunday at Church of the Way.  I'm really excited about this message coming up this Sunday.  We've only got a couple of more weeks left of our "BASIC" series.  This Sunday, I'll be teaching about how "Christians Love Others" -- especially one another.  So, it will be a Sunday of Love at Church of the Way, and we're going to have some musical fun, too.  I hope to see you there...and bring a friend!

I wanted to tell you to mark your Sunday calendars for this July.  Starting July 6, James and I will be teaching a series called "V15ION" (i.e. Vision '15) as we look at a vision for where God is taking our church in the next 15 months and in 2015 to reach our community for Christ.  We'll be talking about where God is leading us to prepare for a permanent home in the Archer/Grayson/Lawrenceville Community, where God is leading us in a potential 2nd campus in Auburn, and how God is working to use us this next season right were we are.  I'm stoked just thinking about it.  For two years, we've been working to "Go Beyond" our walls to be the church God has called us to be.  Make sure you're there for this final stretch.  Go Beyond:  V15ION.

Thought for the Week
"I will do whatever you think is best."  2 Samuel 18:4

Do you know who said that?  Kind David.  Do you know who he said it to?  The commanders of his armies.  They were preparing to go into battle to 'win back' Jerusalem for him and his kingdom.  He said he wanted to lead the troops in with them.  They urged him to stay behind, and that was his answer.  The guy who was king, who had slain the mighty Goliath, who had conquered nearly the whole known world.  Instead of putting his foot down, he listened to his advisers even though he had veto power over them.  What a leadership lesson!  What a life lesson!  Sometimes, people over whom we have authority are speaking wisdom to us, and we need to be willing to listen.  Parents need to learn to listen to their children.  Employers need to learn to listen to employees.  Civic authorities need to learn to listen to citizens.  Coaches need to learn to listen to players.  Teachers need to learn to listen to students.  The generation in charge needs to learn to listen to the generation coming up.  Leaders need to learn to listen to followers.  Sometimes, even strangers are speaking a word of wisdom to us.  David would have done himself or the cause no good by being stubborn here.  Stubbornness can be a good thing, a needed thing.  But stubbornness can also be our downfall.  David was no good to the cause dead.  He listened.  he went against his own wishes and original idea because he trusted their judgement.  Of course, what is pivotal her is to surround ourselves with people whose judgement we trust.  And then trust them.  If King David can humble himself and listen to others, we can, too.

In Christ,


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