First United Methodist Church of Griffin

Friday, December 5, 2014

Sunday Preview & Thought for the Week (12.5.14)

I hope you've had a great week and looking forward to a great weekend.  We are right in the thick of our Christmas Season Series as we talk about "That Awkward Moment" and look at the awkward moments from the original Christmas story.  This Sunday we'll be talking about Mary's awkward moment.

Also, an exciting part of our merger with Harmony Grove UMC is that James Savage, and his wife, Lindsay, will be able to move into the parsonage.  This coming Monday (Dec. 8) from 4:30 p.m.-8:30 p.m. all are invited to come help clean the parsonage, do a little yard word and spackle nail holes.  We'll pick up some pizza and have fun getting the house ready for James and Lindsay.  The address is 1385 Harmony Grove Church Rd., Auburn, GA 30011).

Thought for the Week
"...unless you have utterly rejected us and are angry with us beyond measure."  Lamentations 5:32

Have you ever wondered if you've wondered too far for God to forgive you?  Is my sin too big?  Was my mistake just too far over the line?  Jeremiah asked those words at the end of Lamentations.  Had the people gone too far for God?  Was God angry?  We've all wondered that.  The answer is no.  No sin is too big.  No one wonders too far.  God is not angry with us beyond measure.  God is disappointed when we sin.  Any parent is disappointed when their child disobeys.  We know they haven't chosen the best way.  We know they haven't taken the best path.  But parents always welcome children back.  A parent's love knows no bounds.  This is just a small snapshot of the love of God.  No matter what you've done, today is a great opportunity to take a step back.  You are not rejected.  You are loved as the way a loving father loves his child.  You are welcome to return.

In Christ,



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