First United Methodist Church of Griffin

Friday, January 13, 2012


This past week, we had two young people die in a tragic car crash. One of them was a high school senior at Grayson High School. Both worked at the Kroger where I normally shop. I can't imagine what those parents are going through this week. The world has stopped for them. I know it is a dark, dark place, and it is a tragedy for our community.

I thought this week about how many times I crossed their path in Kroger. How many times they checked me out. How many times they bagged my groceries. Life is fleeting. It can be taken from us in an instant.

I so want to believe that life with God will shelter us from such tragedies. I so want to believe that we'll live free from heartache if we trust God. But it's simply not true. That's not the promise of Scripture. Even when we are right in the middle of God's will, tragedy sometimes happens. The great promise of the Bible is that God is THERE. Psalm 139:8 says, "If I make my bed in the depths, you are there." That's it. God is there. Present. Real. With you. With me. Never leaving. Never turning back. Never absent. No matter how bad it gets. No matter what the heartache...know that God is there.

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