First United Methodist Church of Griffin

Thursday, December 6, 2012

Christmas Preparations

"For you will go on before the Lord to prepare the way for Him." Luke 1:76

Many traditional churches celebrate a season of what they call "Advent" leading up to Christmas. You may hear friends and family talking about Advent. Really, Advent is a season of preparation, and that's such an important part of Christmas. What are you doing to prepare for Christmas? Oh, I know, you're doing a lot of preparing. Planning trips, planning parties, cooking food, shopping, wrapping presents, and decorating. Often, we forget to prepare for what we want Christ to do in our hearts, though. We spend all December in hustle and bustle then show up on Christmas Eve and hope Jesus will fix our frantic month (and maybe year). But, what if we prepared our hearts for Christmas as much as we prepared our Christmas cards, decorations or menus? What might happen? I know you've got a lot to do this month. I know there are plans to be made and lists to be marked off. However, don't forget to take time this month to prepare your heart for the birth of Christ. You've heard the story a million times, but God might just want to do something brand new in your life this time around.

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