First United Methodist Church of Griffin

Thursday, August 22, 2013

Sunday Preview & Thought for the Week (8.22.13)

I hope you're having a fantastic week.  I'm so excited about what's going on and what's ahead at Church of the Way.  One Way Student Ministry was awesome Wednesday night.  Good things are happening there, so get your students involved.  And I'm pumped about some series we've got coming up.  

This Sunday, we're continuing the "Coming Home" series, and I'll be teaching on what it means for those who may have never felt at home with God or in church to come home to Jesus.  We're going to look at one of the more famous stories in the life and ministry of Jesus.  See you there!

Thought for the Week
"Whatever you do, do all for the glory for God."  2 Corinthians 10:31

The last week I've watched a handful of NFL Preseason games.  They're interesting.  They mean absolutely nothing.  The Falcons went 1-3 in the preseason last year and 13-3 in the regular season.  They don't count.  But one of my friends said, "It counts for somebody."  And that's true.  For guys that are trying to make the team, those games are potentially the most important night in their lives.  It's their moment to build a career in something they've worked for and at all their lives.  And they do get the teams ready the big games.  They're practice, and habits are created in those moments.  We tend to think of life in terms of the big moments.  We think about the big decisions.  Where do we go to college or do we go?  what career to choose? Who should we marry?  Should we  have kids or not have kids...and how many?  Do we change careers mid-life?  Should we buy the house?  Should we invest in that fund?  What do we do with mom when she can't take care of herself?  But all of life is a little bit of a preseason game, prepping us for those big moments.  The decisions we make as a teenager build into us the kind of character we'll have and attract a particular kind of spouse.  The people we hang around shape our values and lead us to make decisions about whether we choose career over family.  IT ALL MATTERS.  Every moment.  Every moment has an impact on our lives and our future.  So do it all for the glory of God.  If our little moments, our daily decisions, and our ordinary lives bring glory to God, our big decisions and moments will be sure to follow suit.

In Christ,


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