First United Methodist Church of Griffin

Thursday, December 5, 2013

Sunday Preview & Thought for the Week (12.5.13)

I hope you're having a great (rainy) week!  It's starting to look and smell like Christmas around my house, and that's certainly the season at Church of the Way.  This Sunday, I hope you'll get into the spirit as we continue to talk about getting from Christmas what we really need in the series "White Elephant."  This week, we'll be talking about 'Good News.'  I'm looking forward to sharing that news with you!

Thought for the Week
"For I was hungry and you gave Me something to eat...I was a stranger and you took Me in."  Matthew 25:35

This time of year I get a lot of calls about whether or not we're sponsoring families.  Sometimes LIFE Groups are able to help.  Simply, there are lots of people in need in our community, and the holidays bring that to light.  This coming Sunday we start another week of hosting homeless families through Family Promise of Gwinnett.  We'll be sharing in hosting them with our sister church, New Hope UMC.  It's a big job.  There are lots of things that have to be done and lots of volunteer spaces that must be filled.  But it's a help families...who don't have a home.  It's children who sleep in Sunday School rooms every night.  It's moms that don't have a stove to cook their kids a meal on.  It's families that don't have a Christmas tree because they don't have a corner to put one.  And all God needs from me is to cook a meal, share some fellowship, set-up some beds, or sleep overnight?  And when I do that, I'm not just ministering to people, but Jesus said I'm ministering to Him?  That sounds like a no-brainer.  There is no relationship with God that isolates us from community.  Relationship with God means a relationship with others, for we are all made in God's image.  So, when we serve others, we serve God.  When we love others, we love God.  When we feed others, we feed God.  When we welcome others, we welcome God.  There are lots of ways to serve others this Christmas season, and Family Promise is a simple and profound way to do that.  Let's be a people who take seriously our relationship with God by serving the ones made in His image.  You can find out what opportunities there are to serve in Family Promise by contacting Jim Ramsdail or Kim Navarro.

In Christ,


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