First United Methodist Church of Griffin

Thursday, May 12, 2016

Positive Thoughts & Good Vibes

I'm seeing it more and more.  "Granddaddy has surgery, so please send your prayers, positive thoughts and good vibes his way."  "I've got a big job interview today, so prayers and positive thoughts are much appreciated."  "My daughter is taking a huge exam this afternoon, so any good vibes and prayers for her are welcome."

What does that even mean?  Do people really think positive thoughts and good vibes make a difference?  Do people think that I can somehow affect the cosmos across time and space if I just believe they'll do good on their exam and send my positive thoughts their way?  I know we're really trying to include all our diverse friends when we make those comments, but I'm not sure it's helpful.

I recently heard a quote from Perry Noble that I liked.  It went something like this:  "In a crisis, you find out if you're an atheist or a Christian."  When people send out such request, it is because they are facing a crisis moment.  There is a big test, doctor's appointment or family crisis -- and they realize they need all the help they can get.  But Christians believe there is only one thing that can help.  We believe that we serve the God of all creation who was, is, and is to come.  And we believe that He moves and works in history.  And we believe that prayer works because He turns His ear to the prayers of His children.

There was a powerful movie out several years ago called Bless the Child.  It was kind of a modern day savior story.  Satan was actually a popular motivational speaker who's motto was that we had the power within us.  All you had to do was believe in yourself.  You know...positive thoughts.  Good vibes.  You see, this is the opposite of the Gospel message.  The Gospel of Jesus is that we are a broken mess, and our positive thoughts can't fix anything.  They only hide the brokenness within.  We don't need more of us.  We need more of God.

The first commandment God gave to Moses was that we should not have any other gods before (or besides) Him.  It was that 'besides' God that was the problem for Israelites.  Pray to God but sacrifice to the agricultural deity just in case.  Pray to God but make and offering to the fertility goddess just in case.  Pray to God but get some good vibes coming your way, too.  What can it hurt?

If you are a Christ Follower -- stop it.  Call on your friends to pray and pray like they've never prayed before.  But calling on people to send positive thoughts sends a wrong message -- because we don't believe those positive thoughts make a lick of impact.  In fact, we are sending a message that there are other alternatives to the work of God in our lives.  It's as if we're saying, "God might be an answer for you, but you might just need a good self help book and some positive thoughts."  If I am in a crisis, I don't want your good vibes.  I want you to pray to the King of Kings to act on my behalf and do what you nor I can do.  To move in ways we don't understand and can't comprehend.  Isn't that what we all want?

If you are not a Christ Follower -  I'm so appreciative of you reading.  I understand that you have a much more pluralistic understanding of the universe than I do.  I'm grateful we can share ideas across understandings.  I'll bet you've had one of those crisis or perhaps there will be one in the years ahead.  Do you think that positive thoughts will help?  Maybe you do.  That's cool.  I'm not convinced.  Or, are you hoping that maybe there is Something...Someone...out there that will move on your behalf in some kind of supernatural way.  I believe there is.  And I believe that Someone loves you.  And I'd love to pray for you for that Someone to move in your life situation or crisis.  I promise you don't want my good vibes or positive thoughts.  I'm a mess.  I don't know what I'm doing or what's best for you.  That Someone does.  He wouldn't even mind if you prayed to Him.  Why not give it a try the next time you need a little help?

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