First United Methodist Church of Griffin

Thursday, September 26, 2013

Sunday Preview & Thought for the Week (9.26.11)

I hope your week has been fantastic.  I am so super excited about this Sunday and our final part of the series "Finding My Purpose."  I hope you're making plans to be there.  I believe this story of Esther is one of the most powerful stories in the Bible, and I think God has something to teach us through it.  Plus, there might be a few surprises in worship.  See you there!

Thought for the Week
"Settle your father and brothers in the best part of the land."  Genesis 47:6
That quote is from Pharaoh to Joseph after his brothers and father reunite with him in Egypt.  It's a great story near the end of Genesis.  Pharaoh offers provision for Joseph's family because of what he knows about Joseph.  It's a profound moment.  I tell my boys when they leave the house that they represent Jesus, our church and our family name.  People form opinions about the organizations and families we belong to based off their experience of us.  Are we like Joseph?  Do we give a vibe of integrity and character or is it something else?  It's something to think about.  Of course, the final chapter in this understanding is the realization that what we know about God is because of what we experienced in Jesus.  By knowing Christ, we know that God is forgiving, loving, sacrificial and merciful.  You don't have to worry about whether or not God loves you.  He proved that in Jesus.  The fullness of God lives in Christ.  So, what will others think about Christ when they know us?  What will people think about our family name because of what they've experienced by knowing us?  Will we garner respect and honor to our families, like Joseph, because of who we are?  It's something to think about.

In Christ,


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