First United Methodist Church of Griffin

Thursday, September 5, 2013

Sunday Preview & Thought for the Week (9.5.13)

I hope you're having a great week.  Our little ones started preschool this week, so there are actually a few quiet hours around here during the week.  I am super excited about the series starting this Sunday, "Finding My Purpose."  I'm going to be teaching on the book of Esther.  It's one of my favorite stories in the Bible, and a book with such rich wisdom for life.  I think Esther can help us find our own purpose as we watch her find hers.  This is a great Sunday to invite a friend to church, as everyone wants to find their purpose, no matter where they're at in life or what their faith background is.  In fact, an easy way to invite a friend is to do so through our website with all the details about when and where, and you can and your own note.  Here's a link:

Thought for the Week
"Then the chief cupbearer said to Pharaoh, 'Today, I am reminded of my shortcomings.'"  Genesis 41:9

Do you know the story of the cupbearer?  He had made a promise to Joseph, Abraham's great-grandson, that he would remember him when he got his job back with the king.  Perhaps if he'd put in a good word with Pharaoh, Joseph would be released from jail (where he had been after being wrongfully accused).  That was two years ago.  Joseph sat in that jail for two more years, and the cupbearer remembered what he was supposed to do.  People make mistakes.  Sometimes, people intentionally try to hurt us or wrong us.  More often than not, people just mess up.  They forget, they don't realize what their doing, and the just make mistakes.  So what is the remedy?  Forgiveness.  If we go around expecting people to be perfect, we're going to live a pretty miserable life.  Forgiveness wins.  When we forgive people's mistakes, whether they were intentional or accident, we are most like our Creator.  We are full of mistakes, and he loves us anyway.  He takes us mistakes and all.  Is there someone out there who's made a mistake with you that you need forgive?  Let go of it.  They might be like the cupbearer and not even know it.

In Christ,


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