First United Methodist Church of Griffin

Wednesday, July 27, 2016


Over the last few weeks, I have preached a couple of times on the temptation to rest on our circumstances.  It's really not intentional, but we all slide into the role of being a victim of our circumstances.  If things are going great, we're feeling good.  If things are going bad, we're in a bad place.

We're tempted to structure our lives on our careers, families, finances, health or circle of relationships.  None of those things are bad things.  But can I make a promise to you?

Your circumstances WILL change.

Maybe for the better, maybe for the worse.  Life has ups and downs.  If your joy and existence is dependent upon the things of this world, you are bound for disappointment.  I believe this is the source of the malaise so many are living in today.  We are building our lives on the things of this world.  This isn't to say that life won't bring us happiness and pleasure.  And it isn't to say that life won't get us down sometimes.  What I mean to say is that the foundation of our lives, the true source of our joy, the rock upon which we stand must be something that is never changing if we are to weather the storms and keep our heads about us in the good times.

God WILL NOT change.

He is the same yesterday, today and tomorrow.  He is faithful.  In the valley, he walks with us.  In the good times, he celebrates with us.  In the pit of sorrow, he weeps for and with us.  But His love is never ending.  Circumstances CAN'T take that away.  Circumstances can most certainly take away all that we thought was secure in this world.  But it can't take away His love.

So are you counting on circumstances?  Don't set yourself up for disappointment.  Stand on the one who transcends the circumstances of life.  People of faith in something -- someone -- not of this world.

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