First United Methodist Church of Griffin

Thursday, June 20, 2013

Preacher Doubts & Reaching Out

I wanted to get back to answering some of the questions the good people of Church of the Way and the Blogosphere asked during our "Preacher, I've Got a Question" series.  Here's a couple:

A couple of questions were similar:
  • Does a preacher ever feel stronger in their faith some days and not so much other days?
  • Preacher, do you ever struggle with doubt?
The answer to those questions is, "Of course."  Contrary to rumors, preachers are human.  Almost every preacher I know is human :)  There are times I wonder if God is going to come through, if I've got what it takes to lead Christ's Church.  There are times I wonder if I'm smart enough to do this and times I worry if my mistakes or shortcomings will through the ministry.  There are days I feel like I'm not cut out for this and moments when I wonder if I should be doing something else.  There are quiet moments when I think maybe someone else could do this better.  There are times I rely on my own strength instead of resting on God's.  There are times when I'm disobedient.  There are times when I wonder where God's Spirit is.  There are days when I feel broken.  I can tell you that I never doubt that God loves me.  I've seen too much evidence to the contrary.  I feel richly blessed by God with all that he's given me, especially family, friends and a church that love and support me.  And I've always believed that the best is yet to come.  I believe God is always moving and working, shaping and molding.  Sometimes I struggle with HOW God is doing it.  I don't always agree with His tactics or time-table, but I know He's up to something good in my life because I believe good is in His nature.  Everybody struggles and doubts from time to time.

  • What’s the best way to reach out to someone who doesn’t know about Jesus without preaching to that person?
Love them.  If they won't read the Bible, be the Bible.  If they won't enter into a conversation about Jesus, be Jesus to and with them.  People need to see faith in action.  No one really wants to be preached to.  People need to see integrity and holiness lived out.  Make sure your actions back up your words and your lifestyle matches your message.  Be honest.  Admit what you don't know.  Serve them.  Invite them to church.  Ask questions.  Listen to their story.  Stay in relationship.  Making disciples happens in relationship. When people begin to trust Christians and see authentic Christians involved in their lives, I believe they'll start asking questions about what makes Followers of Jesus so different.  As St. Francis of Assisi said, "Share the gospel at all times, and if necessary, use words."  If we do it right, we'll rarely need words.  

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