First United Methodist Church of Griffin

Friday, September 16, 2016

Sunday Preview & Thought for the Week (9.16.16)

Hey Church!

I hope you've had a 'complaint free' week!  We're challenging ourselves this week to not complain with our "No Complaining" bracelets that are part of our message series.  This week, we'll take it even a step further.  I believe what comes out of our mouths matters.  It reflects our heart, impacts our heart, and influences others.  Be there this Sunday as we continue "No Complaining."

Also, don't forget:
  • We're sponsoring the Winder-Barrow vs. Loganville game tonight.  Help us give away candy and meet the community!  E-mail me if you're interested and haven't signed up.
  • Family Promise begins on Sunday.  We still have a few overnight slots, some weekend help and a few other openings to serve.  Contact Jim Ramsdail at if you're interested.
Thought for the Week
"I will give them and those around my hill a blessing by sending the rain in its season. They will be rains of blessing.  The trees in the field will bear fruit, and the earth will yield its harvest."  Ezekiel 5:26-27

It seemed to happen so fast.  It's still pretty warm during the day.  Many days it still feels like summer, but summer is drawing to a close.  Even though it only feels like Autumn early in the morning and late at night, it's happening even when we don't notice it.  And what was really taking months seemed to happen so fast.  I've noticed a leaves starting to fall.  I drove into the neighborhood and everyone's grass wasn't as green.  Something is changing behind the scenes and we don't even notice it.  There is a mystical element to the change in seasons.  From the leaf that falls while the days still hit 90 degrees to the flower the sprouts through the snow, there is evidence that there is much happening that we don't see.  In our lives, we often miss the mystical changes taking place behind the scenes as God prepares us for a new season.  Perhaps a season of rain is coming, a season of growth, a season of letting go, pruning or lying dormant or a season of harvest.  The truth is we move so fast through life that we often miss the signs.  And we weren't ready to deal with the growth, the harvest or the leaves in our yard.  Things are never the same in our lives.  Things are always changing because God is always doing something and preparing us for something new, a new season.  The change of seasons in creation is necessary for new growth.  The same is true for us.  I don't know what that new 'thing' is for you, but I know that we can miss it if we don't look out closely for the signs.  But you have to be still to see it.  You have to observe.  You have to take some time with God and notice what is slowly changing and ask Him what He wants to do in the next season.

In Christ,


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