First United Methodist Church of Griffin

Thursday, September 29, 2016

Sunday Preview & Thought for the Week (9.29.16)

Hey Church!

I hope you've had a 'complaint free' week...or you're at least getting better.  What an awesome word from God these past few weeks to think about what we're thinking about saying.  This Sunday, we're beginning a brand new, three-week series called "Sorry Not Sorry."  We're going to look at what repentance is all about.  That's not exactly something we talk about in everyday life, but it's crucial to a life of faith, and when we understand it, our lives will truly be changed.  Hope to see you there!

Thought for the Week
"For we conclude that a man is justified by faith apart from the works of the law."  Romans 3:28

I saw a picture today of some of the decorated swimmers from the Rio Olympics getting to visit the White House and meet the President.  What a thrill that must be for those accomplished Olympians!  Isn't that the way our system works?  Win a medal or championship and the athletes get to meet the President.  Get elected student council president and get access to the principal.  Make the most sales and get lunch w/ the CEO.  Achievement gets us access to those higher up on the totem poll.  That's kind of the American way, and it seeps into our thinking on faith.  We 'think' that our good deeds, our works, and our accomplishments will get us before God.  He'll be so proud.  But that's not how it works.  It's not about our achievements.  We are able to stand before God because of faith in Christ.  Faith that Christ died for us.  Faith that Christ rose again.  Faith that, through grace, our sin was defeated on the cross.  Not by what we have done -- but by what Jesus has done.  And guess what, God couldn't be any more prouder of you already.  You are made in His image.  Your accomplishments don't make Him love you more because He couldn't possibly.  We certainly ought to strive for good works because they are pleasing to God, but don't buy the lie that you need to keep doing good to get on God's good side or get access to Him and His love.  That's only done by faith.

Because of Jesus,


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