First United Methodist Church of Griffin

Tuesday, September 6, 2016

What is Truth?

What is truth?

That is the question Pilate asked Jesus.  It's an incredibly important question.  It's one we're struggling with culturally in a million ways.  And this is relevant to everyone.  We all have a standard of truth, even if that standard is something we made up entirely ourselves.

The first problem we seem to be having is actually deciphering if something someone has said, sung or written is erroneous.  All we have to do is put the right picture with it, post it and it seems true.  The internet has made this incredibly difficult.  Just because your best friend from 3rd grade (who is now a grand-mother) posted it, that doesn't mean it's true.  Just because it was reported by a major news outlet, that doesn't mean it's true.  Just because someone who is usually trustworthy said it, that doesn't mean it's true.  In this day and age, we'd do well to investigate further before we buy into whatever we read or hear.

But truth is crucial at a deeper level, and this is perhaps the most difficult.  I'm reading a book right now in preparation for a sermon series I've got coming it.  It's okay.  I agree with the author on most points, but his approach is way different than mine.  That's a good thing.  I'm learning from a different angle. Most of his stuff is spot on, makes me think deeper and makes me think about the topic differently.  But, on some points...he's wrong.  He's wrong compared to what I believe to be the truth revealed in God's Word -- because that's my barometer for truth.

You have a truth.  Whether it comes from your parents, your feelings, your heart, your friends, your culture, your church or the Scriptures or a combination of many of those and more, it plays a role in how you approach each an every situation.

Be careful what you believe.  Be careful if it's really true.  For truth is real.  And it matters.  And if you're considering banking your life on what you believe to be true that seems to go against what God has revealed in the Bible...are you sure it's really true.  For me, I have found that the truth in Scripture, though often very uncomfortable personally, has never let me down and has proven to be truth I can trust as what's best for me.

Just something I was thinking about today.

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