First United Methodist Church of Griffin

Thursday, August 4, 2011

Welcome Back

Someone who used to attend our church asked me the other day if they could come back. I was a little taken aback. My answer was, of course, "Of course!" That's a lot of 'of courses' there. It made my heart sad to think that someone thinks that they might not be welcomed back in the family of God.

Whether we admit it or not, a lot us feel this way. We feel like our mistakes are simply too big for the grace of God to overcome. We feel like we there's not enough room for our baggage. And we're left asking God, "Can I come back?"

God's answer is ALWAYS like mine. "Of course, beloved, you can always come back." I tell my boys all the time that there is nothing they can do that will make me stop loving them. That doesn't mean I'm not sometimes disappointed or irritated with them. But I never stop loving them. God is the same. There is nothing you can do to make Him stop loving you. He decided a long time ago that He loved you forever. You are always welcome back.

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